Chapter 23

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Author's POV

After crawling through the vents for God knows how long, their next stop was the gym. The lights aren't on and half of the place was untouched.

"Guess I was the last one to use it." Carlos said.

"Look around. See if you find anything useful." Tyrell suggested.

Lilith and Y/n wanted to take a break for good but they know its impossible. Time is crucial and who knows what's lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce at them.

Y/n glanced at Lilith who's examining every inch of the place.

"I'm parched." Said Lilith as she rubbed her throat.

Y/n sighed. "Just wait a little bit, once we get to Racoon City, you'll be able to drink whatever the hell you want."

Y/n walked to the back part of the gym and saw a baseball bat lying on the floor. She managed to pick it up and was about to leave when a broken glass caught her eye.

Looks like someone's been here before us.

Lilith followed Y/n. Furrowing her eyebrows.

"That's our way out?"

Y/n nodded. "Take this."

"Well, I'll be dammed." Tyrell exlaimed. Carlos followed next and they all stood before the broken glass opening as if something big is waiting for them down there.

"We look like we're posing for a movie premiere." Lilith blurted out of nowhere.

"Oh shut up." Y/n said. Lilith stuck her tongue out at her and jumped off the ledge with Tyrell.

She's back to her usual self.

"Got any plans once we get out?" Carlos asked.

"We'll see once we DO get out." Y/n answered.

Carlos gave her a pat on the back and they jumped off the ledge together. Walking towards the other two, Lilith linked her arm with Y/n's.

"You better get a room with Mister Mop Hair." Lilith teased her.

Y/n scoffed."Is this the stage two of your hunger? Miss Parker?"

Lilith smacked Y/n's head and ran to Tyrell's side. As if sheilding herself from her bestfriend.

Carlos pulled out his walkie-talkie and said, "It's Carlos."

"Thank Goodness! The library door's open. You should be able to push through it."

"Copy that."

[1:30 AM]

Y/n's POV

We got inside the library and there were plenty survivors inside. Including Miss Pitt. The book shelves were moved to cover the glass walls and the space is now occupied with military beds.  Carlos and Tyrell attended to Captain Mikhail who's busy navigating Nicholai's whereabouts. The voice we heard from the radio earlier was Miss Pitt's.

"Lilith and Y/n, please help yourselves." Miss Pitt said, pointing the table filled with food from the grocery store. Mostly canned goods.

Lilith grabbed my hand and we ran towards it. She didn't hesitate to chug on the 1st water bottle she saw.

"Woah! Woah! Slow down young lady!" Miss Pitt yelled.

"Nicholai has been working in secret. He did the dirty work without us knowing." Mikhail explained with his heavy Russian accent. Each syllable with an R sounding like an Rrr.

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