Chapter 17 [D-2]

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Y/n's POV

I sat inside the bathtub after removing my clothes. I lifted my left leg and it's bruised. My arms had small cuts here and there.

Those kids back there...


They were shouting in pain but at the same time, they looked desperate for blood...

Carlos and Tyrell are currently watching the files we got from the mini cameras.

I hope that's enough to convince them...


I sat on the balcony while eating ice cream. I kept thinking about what would happen if those things got out and swarmed each wings. Like what happened to the west wing. Its like, there's no sign of life there anymore.

The undead...

I came inside when the only thing left of what I was eating is the ice cream stick. Throwing it in the bin, Lilith entered and we sat on the sofa. The two guys sat opposite us with Tyrell's laptop playing the videos we got during our escape.

"Now, how did you get there?"asked Carlos. He seems pissed.

"It was originally my plan. I insisted to make a map but we ended up somewhere, rather unexpected.." Lilith began, her voice fading as she said the last two words.

"You started recording here in the dormitory?" Tyrell asked next.

We both nodded,"the restrooms, farthest left of this floor." Lilith said.

"Who went there first?" Carlos questions.

Lilith raised her hand.

Tyrell nodded. "Then how did Y/n get to you without Carlos noticing her?"

"Stealth." Carlos replied, slamming my earrings on the table.

Tyrell shook his head," Miss Y/n, you're a genius!"

Carlos glared at him,"Where did you enter next?"

"The air vents." I replied.

Carlos sighed and looked at us in disbelief, "you two are unbelievable, do you even have any weapons with you?"

I took my pocket knife and placed it on the table. It still has blood on it.

"Where the hell did you get a pocket knife?"

"My mom gave it to me." I said.

Tyrell picked up the knife,"Racoon City Police Department. RPD?"

I nodded.

"Her parents are cops." Carlos added.


"Bye Y/n!" I waved at her as she and Tyrell went out to retire for the night.

I walked to the kitchen and finished washing the remaining dishes.

Once this is over, I'll go to Racoon City and stay there for vacation...

I turned off the faucet and starting drying the utensils when I felt someone's presence. Leaning against the wall.

"What do you want?" I asked.

I just want some peace right now...

Carlos sighed," About earlier..."

"It's done. It was just a spur of the moment."

It suddenly feel quiet. I turned around to see if he's still there and he's already in front of me.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I didn't mean to do that." he said softly.

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