Chapter 69

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Author's POV  {Safe Haven's Prairie View}

Chris watched as Timothee had a heart to heart conversation with his parents. His sobs getting louder as he explained and reasoned how he was so sorry and his parents comforting him every now and then. "Damn, Captain I can't believe my eyes." Frenchie said, swiftly wiping his tears with a hanky.  " The hell you crying for man?" LB nudged the older guy's shoulder. " He's been watching too much telenovelas." Igor answered in his Russian accent.

Chris sighed. " What is the matter Frenchie?" The blonde sniffed. " I just can't believe the whole Scarrow family's right here with us."

" Yeah and I don't think I'm gonna have a chance with the youngest." LB pouted. Everyone looked at him. "Just saying!"

Suddenly, one of the female soldiers ran up to Chris and whispered something to his ear. Chris jolted from his seat. " Y/N IS AWAKE!"

Timothee snapped back go his senses. " Let's go mom, dad."


Veronica ran to her daughter, giving her a tight hug.
"Mom?" Y/n teared up as she finally got to utter that word fully and that person being there with her too. She felt safe. "Time to take your first dose, Y/n." Dr. Park opened the shit case Timothee got yesterday.  Y/n backed away. "Y/n listen to me, you'll be needing this from now on. I got a suitcase just for you and it has the right amount." Timothee showed it to his sister. " What will happen if I don't or if I forget my dose?" Y/n asked. Her voice skightly hoarse. " You'll transform." Y/n mouthed an oh. Timothee took the syringe from Dr. Park and tapped two fingers on Y/n's arm to look for a vein. "You're not scared of a syringe aren't you?" The older asked. "Of course not! I mean-AH!" Timothee injected all of the liquid and Y/n shivered and she laid her eyes on the ceiling. "Hold her down!" Timothee said and Dr. Park held her shoulders. "Ok ok, one, two, three..." Y/n calmed down and looked at him. "That's it. You did it."


"What're you gonna do after this? Once we get out of here?" Lilith asked while brushing Y/n's hair. "Well, I'm renting an apartment then continue Uni and maybe get a job I can go to after class?" Lilith chuckled. "I think I'm gonan start living in that apartment too." Y/n tilted her head and gave her best friend a fist bump. "Who else is joining us?" Y/n laid her head on Lilith's knee. "Jia and Mother Amelia, I guess." Y/n chuckled. "How about Miss Pitt?"

Lilith guffawed. "She'll start living with Sir Chris!" Suddenly, Veronica went inside and signalled Lilith that Claire's looking for her. "Duty calls." Lilith waited until Y/n got ahold of herself before she went out. "Hi mom." Veronica smiled and opened her arms wide for an embrace. "You're taller than me now." Veronica faked a sob. "Awww, don't worry mom, I'm still your baby girl, aren't I?" Veronica grinned. The wrinkles around her cheek rose. "Come, let's prepare dinner."


While Veronica and Y/n were in the kitchen, Timothee and Nathan waited in the dining. "So? Y/n! Who was that macho guy again?" Nathan shouted. "Oh come on dad! You should be asking Timmy!" Timothee sighed. " With how I am right now, do you still think someone's gonna like me?"

" Ooohh, I just know there IS someone." Y/n gave him a devilish smile. Veronica nudged her arm. " Who?" Y/n shrugged. " Just someone close."

Y/n's POV (After Dinner)

Ahhhh, fresh spring air. After I ate, mom insisted that I go back to my original room. She said she and dad needed to talk to Chris for awhile as well as Miss Pitt. "Should you be out of bed?" I chuckled as Carlos stood beside me in the balcony. "I'm fine, promise."

"It's hunting season and we're not gonna be dealing with blizzards." Carlos pointed at the citizens building stables. "Woah! Where did they find horses?"

"Abandoned farm, two days travel from here. They're healthy I'm telling you!"

I sighed. " You know, back in RC, I used to visit the forest behind our house cuz there's lots of stag and rabbits and stuff and dad would kill them for dinner."

" No wonder you're good at tracking." Carlos wiggled his eyebrows. " Oh come on, I haven't tried killing one." I playfully slapped his arm. " Once we get the chance, I'm bringing you with me." He suggested. My eyes lit up. " For real?!" Carlos nodded. When he turned his head back to the quadrangle, I just realized that this is the first time I ever got to see his face up close. A few scars under his eyelids, his mop hair slowly swaying as the wind blows on it, his stubble that oh how I really wanna touch and trace it with my fingers. I wonder if he ever tried shaving his beard. Or putting gel on his hair and style it to expose his forehead. What would he look like on his 30's?

"Is there something on my face?" He asked. Oh shit. "No, no, no. It's nothing." I nervously chuckled. "Anyways," God what do I say? "What happened when I was gone?" Carlos sighed. "Well, we took the baby stuff to the mother and the next day we set out to look for you guys."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you that we're leaving-"

" Hey." He placed his hand on my shoulder. " I know you've been training and at the same time, I don't wanna hold you back from the things you wanna do. But if it guarantees your safety then I might barge in."

"Do you like me?" I don't know why this came out of my mouth but I know it ain't from my brain but from my heart. 

"Like is an understatement. I mean, there's something we have yet to discover. Sure we hang out and all that shit," We both laughed, reminiscing the times we spent. "but there's something deep down in my guts that tells me, I don't wanna lose you. If that makes sense." He scratched the back of his neck." It does, don't worry."

" Man I suck at confessions but hey, worth the try right?" I nodded. " I think it connects to that special line of yours." He raised his brow. " Oh, I'm not gonna leave you in a cold, cruel, Carlos-less world?" I snorted. " I think this is the third time you said that to me."

" Too cheesy?" He asked. " Pfft. Creative." He shrugged. "Atleast I made ya laugh."

"Yeah, you're very good at it."


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