Chapter 12

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Sunday // 1:30 PM

Mikhail rounded up the students in the main hall for blood tests. Carlos and Tyrell were with Alpha Squad patrolling the area in case of emergency.

"Where are the others from our batch?" Lilith whispered to Y/n whilst looking around.

Y/n's eyebrows met. "Who?"

"Michaela, Harrani, Thomas and Cindy."

"I heard they're taking special tests." Miss Pitt suddenly spoke up behind them.

The two girls nodded in unison. Tomorrow will be the start of their isolation. Together with the soldier assigned for them.

"By the way, have you told Carlos about the orphanage?" asked Lilith.

Y/n shook her head. "I fell asleep that night. And by the time I woke up, he's already gone."

Lilith nodded. "Good, because we NEED evidence."

"Evidence? What do you mean?"

"Miss Y/n!" A nurse called out from one of the stalls.

Thomas' POV

My pup's infected. I got two bitemarks. One on my thigh and one on my neck. Three days. Three days is all I got until my parents are gonna come fetch me. Shit. If only it was that easy. Now this Nicholai guy told me to come to the university clinic for "special" runs. I really got a feeling that he knows something.

I pulled the hood of my hoodie down as I entered the room. There I saw Harrani with Michaela. And another girl.

What's her name again?

"Michaela Devin. Please step forward." said the Doctor.


While they're running tests on the girls, the door swung open. Revealing Nicholai. He's always got that haughty look on his face.


"Michaela Devin, done. Harrani Faiz, done. Cindy Michaels, done. You're next up, Thomas Miyozaki." The doctor motioned me go come up with his latex gloved hand.

I walked up to the Doctor and sat on the chair in front of the desk. There are plenty of empty syringe, alcohol and cotton pads laid out on the tabletop.

"Pets are not allowed." Nicholai read the sign board on the clinic's wall.

"This university seems strict eh?" said the Doctor.

Nicholai chuckled, "and students get what they deserve in the end."

Tyrell's POV

"yo T, you copy?" Carlos said through the radio.

"crystal clear."

"I'm heading to the rooftop, gonna set up some emergency lights..."

"copy that. I'm gonna check Dr. Chan"


I lowered my radio when I saw Thomas stomping out of the clinic. Furiously tugging on the strings of his hoodie as he gave me a quick glare. I scratched my head and when I opened the door to the clinic, the last thing I wanna see was Nicholai's face.

"How was the test—"

"The results are negative." said Nicholai.

I raised an eyebrow at him, " You sure?"

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