Chapter 64

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They gathered in the middle, panting as they wait for the next round. Wesker couldn't keep his eyes off Y/n, her actions amused him. The doctor shuffled the list once more and stopped at the licker. "No." Wesker said. "Why sir?" The doctor asked. "It won't work on eldest." The doctor nodded and shuffled again. "They didn't choose your relatives, huh?" Jakes teased the older male. Timothee scooted over to his sister. "Just wait." He said. In the lower levels, Chris and the others already got off the sewers, their uniforms muddy and tattered. The sound of crashing and cheering made Chris confused. There weren't even that much people roaming the underground, its as if there's something big happening above. "Keep your eyes, peeled. We're near." The name popped in the screen. 


"They're your former RPD's. They attack by flailing their limbs in their prey's direction in order to grab them. It moves quick and it can't easily be penetrated so aim for the head. Human head. Attack at a distance." Timothee whispered to her. "We're dealing with a big one now?" The gates opened and smoke oozed out, completely blinding their sights. The glass went up to cover the crowd. Another pedestal rose and there were multiple guns on it. Some are attached to the wall. "What the hell-" The same time Y/n turned her head to the side, a long spiky limb whacked through their direction, causing them to slam against the wall. Y/n groaned in pain. Her bones making a cracking sound until she's back on her feet. "Stay low. Go for the guns." Timothee softly said and they split up. Y/n squinted her eyes as she saw three black figures amidst the smoke. She didn't take her eyes off the creatures until she reached the pedestal. "What should I get?" She heard a low growl. "Fuck it." Y/n grabbed a shotgun and a magnum. "INCOMING!" Two limbs were about to hit her when Jake fired at it with a grenade launcher. The smoke went away, revealing the clear sky and the three disgusting creatures. "Oh my god." Y/n backed away. "FOCUS Y/N!"  Timothee shouted at her. Y/n snapped back to reality when a scagdead was running towards her. She took out her magnum and aimed. "where's the fucking head?!" Y/n bit her bottom lip and proceeded to shoot the legs. The scagdead's speed faltered a bit so it flailed its limb in which Y/n jumped on. She reloaded her shotgun and shot its neck. The scagdead back away, growling in pain causing Y/n to fall to the ground. "You're hard as rock, damn." Y/n rolled to the side. " I gotta get up to its head." Y/n glanced at the pedestal and saw one remaining gun with a hook like tip. "Grapple." She ran towards it and slid her body on top of the table,  sliding the grappling gun with her.

The scagdead was still up and skidded towards her, getting reaady to swing its limb at her, she fired the grappling gun, a snarl following her movements as she propelled in the air. She jerked her head down as she hanged from the ceiling. Y/n tied the wire to her leg and aimed her shotgun at the left side of the head where a stump that opens into a gaping maw with multiple teeth was shown. While the line takes her lower, she fires at the opening, casually swinging side to side to evade the limb. "Chew on this." Y/n shot the head twice. Beheading it. Then she was pulled back to the top and she removed the hook. While falling, she fired the grappling gun to another monster's limb and used it as support. She twirled in the air as if to bind the creature. Jake then aimed the grenade launcher and shot the head. The last one, Timothee ran through the walls and grabbed the limb head on, jumping on top of its neck and shooting the head. When Y/n landed on the ground, she fell to her knees. Vomiting. Timothee quickly came to rub her back. "What's wrong?" Y/n shook her head. "I'm fine. First time using a grapple gun." Timothee chuckled. "I heard you're training." "You were there all the time?" She couhed. 

"Eugh." Jake shivered when he saw her vomit. The three looked up again to watch the list. The doctor shuffled it again. "Not bad." Wesker commented, making Veronica glare at him in disgust. "She looks just like you, Veronica." He said. Y/n's clothes are already scraped as well as Timothee's and Jake's. Timothee grunted when he noticed his left arm reacting to the next enemy. 


Y/n stood up. "They have weak points, once you do damage, aim for the orange bubbly part of the body. They will completely shut down after that." Y/n nodded. 



The gates opened and 10 revenants came out. Walking in a puppet like manner. Y/n stepped back and kicked an incoming revenant. it swings its arm and grabs her leg. Y/n gasped as she reached for her magnum and shot the head. The revenant dropped her and grunted in pain. "There it is." She muttered when she saw the bubbly scab on the creature's neck. The revenant charged at her again but she dodged it and did a hand stand, wrapping her legs around its torso as she shot the neck. Separating the head from the body. Timothee ran out of ammos when another one came to punch him but he stopped it with his left hand. Y/n couldn't believe her eyes when she saw that brute strength until his arms got bubbly as well. Timothee hissed in pain as the uroboros came out of his arm causing him to push the revenant back. He grabbed its neck and jumped high. While falling, Timothee punched it ravenously and repeatedly and decapitated it by slamming it on the floor before he landed on the ground. 2 down. 8 to go. Jake used two samurai edge guns. He slid through another revenant's legs and shot its stomach. "Okay, out of ammos." 7 to go. Jake dropped the left gun and took another revenant's face in his hand, he ran with it while grinding the body through the walls until its body disintegrated. 6 to go. 

"Not now." Y/n pleaded as she looked around for ammos but there's none. Another one held her neck and pulled her up. She dropped the shotgun. Chris and the others accidentally passed through the holes of the arena and they took a halt when they saw the fight. Y/n growled as she held the revenant's head and gouged its eyes out, the grip on her neck tightened so she wrapped her legs around its neck and dug her fingers deeper into its head. "RAAAAAAAAAAA" The nerves in her skin started to bulge out as she tore the head into two. The creature released her and still she didn't stop until her hands reached the chest as she pulled the heart along with its other interconnected organs out and stepped on the remains. Carlos widened his eyes at the sight of her. Y/n lifted the heart and threw it to glass making the crowd gasp. 

"What the fuck." Lance said. 5 to go. Timothee already killed two more with his uroboros arm. 3 to go. Jake grabbed another one and used it like a slingshot, swinging it to its kind as he shot the leg and the stomach where the core was. One left. Y/n ran head on, balling her fist, she gave it a powerful blow, and the revenant was tossed to the wall creating a crack on the concrete. Wesker clapped his hands and the rest of the crowd followed. 

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