Chapter 34

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Carlos' POV

"Shit, Captain, they really took a chunk out of you." Captain Mikhail grunted as I pressed a rag on the wound after applying some herbal spray. The surface's fucked up. After I closed the medicinal kit's lid, I heard some footsteps. "That's gotta be them."

"Sir! The streets are jammed but we managed to pull these people." Liam remarked and I examined their faces. "Where's Y/n? Nevermind. You guys stay here and DON'T leave until I say so."

Twins salute and attended to Captain Mikhail. "Care to explain?" I asked when Lilith walked by. "Y/n went to find her parents." Goddammit. "Did she go alone?" She shook her head. "I'll go fetch her. Don't do anything stupid."

The RPD's empty... She must be heading this way now...

We're out of numbers. Police officers tried to help us but they ended up undead. I should've known. Once I stepped out of the subway, the smell of smoke and blood engulfed me. Tastes like burnt barbecue.

"You sure you're going alone?"

I chuckled. "Thanks T." Tyrell took the lead and I followed behind. Every now and then, when we come across a civilian, we'd tell them to head straight towards the subway or they're gonna say they have their own routes and we should just mind our own business.

Just doing my job...

"Got anything new?" I asked Tyrell. "The gas is gone but the virus is spreading rapidly. Wear this." He threw a gas mask at me. "How the fuck did this happen so fast?" Tyrell sighed and placed his laptop back inside his backpack. "Wish I had an answer for that. Where are we going anyways?" Right. I haven't exactly thought about our destination. "Let's look around. We need supplies before we head out." Tyrell nodded and we jogged through the streets. I remember passing by a gun shop along the highway. What was the name again? Ken? Kenny?

"Problem solved." Tyrell said as we came to halt in front of a store. The glass panes are broken and the door's lying on the floor. I tip-toed towards the window frame and saw something dark and sticky. "Fresh blood." I mumbled. When I was about to hop inside, Tyrell pulled my arm and raised his index finger to his mouth. My eyes turned to the left, near the cashier's counter and someone's squatting on the floor. It's dark so we can olny see the silhouette.

Its feasting on a person lying on the ground. Pulling its head upwards to tear which I think is the liver, out. The strings of flesh being ripped out like freshly made mozzarella cheese.

"That must be the owner of this place." Tyrell whispered. I glanced at the signboard I stepped on underneath me and it says, "Kendo's Gun Shop".

Oh so it's Kendo...

"Okay. Progress." I said. Tyrell entered through the doorway to strike the infected from behind while I distract it from the front. "Grrrrr...." The infected slowly turned its gaze to me while holding whatever organ that is. I don't wanna fucking find out. "Easy peasy." But just as it was about to crawl and charge towards me, stab! An audible gurgle came out of its mouth as if its gonna vomit as the machete Tyrell is holding thrusted into its head. Blood trickled down its body and he kicked it to retrieve the weapon.

"Jesus, Tyrell." I blurted out. Tyrell placed his hands on his hips to catch his breath. "You really scored on that." I asked. "Takes practice." He answered. "Not really a fan of melee weapons eh?" Tyrell sighed , making me laugh. It's either a rifle or a handgun. Not to mention his laptop.

"Hey, see if you can crack this safe." Behind the counter is a medium sized metal box that Tyrell is pointing. On the wall, a bulletin board hang with tons of papers on it. Including the business license plate. "Kendo's Gun codes." I read as I removed the pin of the note.

Blades- 692045
Hand guns- 839752
Rifles/sniper rifles- 920571
Others- 749026

"Let's try the 'others' code." I said and we both lifted the safe and placed it on the countertop. I entered the digits and the container opened. Pressure exhausted as I pulled the lid more. "So? Anything fancy?" Tyrell asked. "Grenades. Bullets. miscellaneous stuff." "Today's our lucky day." I snickered. "Not really."

We took what we needed and left that bloody place. I couldn't stand the smell of that rotten flesh and meat. "It'll take us hours to scout on foot." We don't wanna run into a horde. Not right now. A lot of things are at stake. "Now that's something shiny." Tyrell said, pointing at a motorbike lying on the floor. "Hell yeah."

Author's POV

"Tram station's the next street. I hope the gates are open." Y/n said. Her voice shaking. She and Lance have been walking, hiding and running around for quite some time now. Only encountering a few infected.

"Why don't we stop for supplies? You look like you could use some new clothes." Lance told her. Eyeing her look right now. Bed head, combat boots and silk sleepwear. "Shut up. I'm starring in an action-sitcom right now. This way." Y/n ran ahead when she saw an open marketplace. "After you."

The two came across a deserted grocery store. The lights are out. It's pitch black. "What do we do now?" Y/n turned to her right and Lance wasn't there. "Lance? Lance! God don't ditch me now! Lance! Ah!" Y/n covered her eyes as the lights came on. The sound of power coming back roared for a second and disappeared. Lance ran back to her with a proud grin on his face. "Jesus, I thought you went off." Lance chuckled. "Pfft. I'm not a coward." Y/n raised her eyebrows and glanced outside then back to him."Fine. You're not a coward right? Then go find us a car." Lance did a salute and jogged outside.

"Phew. Focus." Y/n grabbed a push cart and started grabbing what she can find useful along the aisles.

Meanwhile, Lance is checking cars within the vicinity. "No gasoline. Yikes. No keys. Shit! Dead person." Lance's sleeves are getting dirty due to wiping the car windows to see if there's any luck in using it. Vroom! His head jolted up to the sound of a motorbike engine revving. "Holy shit. Gotta hurry up." The sound of the vehicle grew louder and louder. "Dammit. Dammit!" Right when he opened a car door, the sound of the engine faded. Clink. He felt a gun pressed to the back of his neck. Lance raised his arms in surrender and slightly turned around to see the beholder. "What the hell man?"


My classes starts January 4 😭 but anyways, Happy new year yall!!! Things are getting interesting eh?

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