Chapter 39

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Y/n's POV

Everybody's settled and the goods are distributed evenly. The train currently has 4 cable cars and I'm on the last since I need to change my clothes. I'm freezing. The door's window is covered with fabric so I'm sure nobody's gonna see me in here. I borrowed a mirror from Julianne earlier. She didn't seem to mind. I rummaged through my clothes and the things I got from the store earlier.

God, my back stings. I forgot to wear a bra. I sighed as I lifted my silkwear and placed the mirror on the seat. I turned my back and peered through my shoulder. A scratch was evident. But its not that deep. The water had tons of rocks in it. So, what should I wear? I don't have any pants or shorts. Maybe I should just wear something baggy. Aha!

I came across a gray long sleeved turtleneck sweater that reaches just above my thighs. I got this from the store. I left my boots to dry. Then I top myself with a padded jacket that reaches to the end of my legs. I smell like flowers. Old flowers. My hands are clothed with gloves and I also wrapped a scarf around my neck. I need to dry my hair as well so I'll wear the beanie later.

Tok. Tok. Tok. A silhouette stood behind the door. "Who's there?" I asked. "It's me. Carlos. You done there?" Shit! "Oh, just a sec!" I hid the clothes back in the bags and threw the silkwear out of the window. It looks like lingerie. Bleh.

I unlocked the door and Carlos greeted me with a smile. "You look cozy." He chuckled. I stepped aside and he entered.
I sat on the seats, watching him stroll around the car. "So? What brings you here?" I asked. He stopped walking with his back facing me. "Captain Mikhail's wounds are getting better." I bit my bottom lip."You came all the way here just to say that?" Carlos paced around again. "Are you avoiding my eyes?" Carlos chuckled, shaking his head no. "Hey, you're making me nervous." I added.

Carlos sat RIGHT beside me and took out a notebook from his vest. He grabbed my right hand and placed it on my palm. My hair tie around his right wrist. I wanna see his gaze but his hair's in the way. "And where'd you get this?"

"The same place you got those clothes buttercup." He said, pointing at what I'm wearing. "You have TONS of nicknames for me but I don't have one for you." "Mop hair?" I looked at him in disbelief. "No!" "Thank goodness." I call you that sometimes though. In my head. Pfft. He leaned back and crossed his arms on his chest. I wanna touch his beard.

"What do you think of me? Let's say.. As a military?" I looked at him from head to toe. "To be honest, you're good at weapons. Machinery! And, you're buff-I mean, you're REALLY fit. You're a tough man. You're willing to sacrifice everything you have just to save those around you." I focused my gaze outside where the forests and cabins passed us by but in my peripheral vision, he's staring at me in complete silence.

"That's the first time somebody said that to me. You know, I used to be a part of a guerrilla, somewhere in South America, can't remember where exactly. If you knew me that time, I was violent. I showed no mercy. As long as I stained my hands with blood, I'm satisfied. I'm also aggressive when it comes to interrogating my enemies." Carlos stood up. Stretching his arms. "Until one day, all of my comrades were killed. I was captured and set to be executed the next day. And there it was," He sighed. "A person reached out to me. Bought my freedom. Trained me. Helped me get out of that madness."

"Umbrella?" I asked. He nodded. "But after what happened at your university..."

"Shhh. It's not your fault." I walked towards him. God, even though he's tall and all, he looks fragile. Vulnerable. As of this moment. "You know, you can tell me what you need and-oh!" My body found its way into his arms in a split second. "I know it's not but... I feel a sense of responsibility of course. It's my duty to protect." I wrapped my arms around him.

"Corporal Rambo." I whispered.

He started running his fingers through my hair. "Rambo? That's nice. What does it mean?" I'm getting butterflies in my stomach!

"It originally means violent and aggressive. A tough man. Pretty negative if you search it up on the internet. BUT, I wanna give it my own meaning." We released from the hug and just stared at each other's eyes. His hands on my waist.

"Past the aggressive, arrogant, violent man you were before, here stood the gentle, humble, and kind soldier you are rght now and in the future. You have a heart of gold Carlos. I mean it and I hope that you see it too. Stop blaming yourself. We've got a whole new adventure ahead of us despite the dangers! I have regrets too don't you worry. You're not alone. So yeah, that's my nickname for you, Corporal Rambo."


We both left the car with him following behind and the stares we got were pretty awkward. Tyrell was wiggling his eyebrows at Carlos while Lilith was stifling a laugh. "What?!" I asked, raising my arms. "Ooohh, nothing! Nothing!"
"Are you guys dating?" Maximus asked.

What the hell??

Author's POV [8 PM]

"The weather's caught up with us now." The conductor said. "Enjoy your food!" Maximus placed some canned goods in front of them and was about to leave the cabin when Lance smacked the back of his head. "OWW. What is wrong with you?!" Maximus rubbed his nape, making the conductor let out a hearty laugh. "I hate this." Lance complained. "It's not my fault Sir Tyrell locked you up in here. You should atleast be thankful that we gave you food-AHHH!" Maximus dashed towards the door when Lance stood up, threatening to hit with him his shoe. "LOSER!" When Maximus opened the door, Lance's shoe came flying straight out of the cabin.

"You're just jealous! Aren't you?! The almighty popular Lance Smith the great is busted by his crush-" "Young man..." Maximus flinched when he heard Tyrell's voice. "Sorry.." Maximus grinned at him before sitting down with the others.


Alan the Conductor XD

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Alan the Conductor XD

Corporal RAMBO: UNRAVEL [Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now