Chapter 32

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Author's POV [ 10 PM]

Nicholai paraded the halls of the facility underneath Raccoon City. With his hands behind his back, observing left and right, the tanks are being prepped with blue liquid. Here in this section is where the virus will be activated.

Moving forward to the deeper levels, Timothee stood inside a room with a screen and digital keyboard. He turned on the monitor, wearing his leather glove on the left hand first. Timothee was getting ready for the grand outbreak Wesker has prepared for RC.

Then he typed Raccoon City Police Department. While it was loading, he put on his other glove. Leather has been a big part of him ever since he stepped foot on Umbrella.

"Loading successful." The computer said and Timothee scrolled down until he saw his dad's camera. The camera installed inside his office. Holding the file of his son.

"Dear old dad..." He muttered. Cursing under his breathe.

He took out a small metal parcel and opened it with a password. The sound of air gushed when it opened, revealing vials. Two of each color; Blue, Yellow, and Green. He took one blue vial and attached the syringe to it. The male admired the content like his life depends on and extended his left arm. He rolled his sleeves and just like a medtech trying to find a vein. Timothee clenched his jaw and insterted the syringe. Using all of it. Not one drop left inside the glass thing.

Once the needle got out, he closed his eyes and took deep breaths. Feeling the energy rushing through his blood. If it infects others, it energizes him. When he opened his eyes, the door did too. He immediately pressed the power button of the monitor and it turned off.

"How many times do you even watch that thing?" Jake asked.

Timothee just sighed as he put his stuff away.

"And who was that guy anyway?" Jake added.

The smaller male turned to him while pulling his sleeve down. "It's none of your business."

Jake laughed, scratching his nape whilst leaning against the door frame. Usual habit. "Did you take your dose?"

Timothee nodded. "Yours?" He asked while slipping on his coat.

"Already did. I'm good to go." Jake answered.

The two acted like the T-virus is weed. Their version of weed.

They're on the way to meet up with Nicholai in the mid-levels of the facility. Being one of the founders of the T-virus made Timothee feel a sense of pride now that it is about to be used and be known. Its like his carte blanche now had ink in it and will be passed down to the next generations of Umbrella. To him, he made history.

The two entered the generator room where Nicholai was. The glass containers shimmering as Jake checked his reflection. Soldiers stationed themselves in front of each engine, waiting for Timothee's command to enter the codes and pull the lever.

This is the time... Timothee thought.

Once he signals, the liquid will pass through all the systems of Raccoon City. Even houses. Chaos will erupt with just an echo of his voice. The population of Raccoon City will fall to the soles of their feet and rise as the undead. Timothee stared at the largest container.

"Release it."

The soldiers punched the codes and pulled the levers. The sound of pressure echoed as if you just opened a bottle of softdrinks. Engines underneath the containers rotating, creating bubbles and shifting the liquid back and forth.

Outside of Raccoon City, its movement is like that of a snake. The gas seeping through vulnerable passages. Those who are awake shall suffer the first stages.

"S-Sir, we'll be able to leave once this is over, right?" A female employee asked Timothee.

He flashed her a sinister smile and said,"Of course."

Timothee and Jake left the generator room and Nicholai followed with Delta squad behind him. Each time they pass by corridors, the sliding doors close and lock. Water sprinklers inside those rooms opened, but instead of water, gas came out. Hands and heads were bumping themselves against the glass panes. Muffled screams and cries begging for anyone to let them go. Until the glass was bloody and dirty. It was a sight to behold. Afterall, Umbrella's secret is worth a life.

Soldiers had an overall black suit and gear and wearing a gas mask. With them was a band attached to their wrist and a mini case with vials. The same one Timothee has. Black armored cars are waiting outside the facility. Without further ado, they left. The first car with Timothee and Jake drove to a different direction.

The city was about to be sealed off.

"How about that close relative?" Jake spoke out of nowhere.

Timothee just glanced at him and focused on the road again.

"God, you really don't talk don't you?" Jake laughed while shaking his head.


Timothee took a sharp turn causing Jake to bump his head on the window.

"What the hell man?!" He grunted.

Timothee stopped the car and another one like their vehicle stopped in front of them as well. Two soldiers went out.

"RPD station huh? Interesting."

Timothee rolled his eyes and took out his radio. Inside the building, were officers taking night shifts. They passed through the back door, moving in the shadows. Their rifles were prepped with tranquilliser darts.

On the second floor, the office with an antique door and glass stood out. It's spacious. The first soldier made his way and slightly turned the knob around and it's not locked. Nathan had his back facing the door while he's munching on a burger.  The soldier walked closer to his desk and pointed the rifle with one arm on the right side of his neck and unleashed the dart.

"Campbell speaking, first subject extracted. Moving out."

The second soldier entered also an office but it has plenty of computers and cubicles side by side. In one station, the mom was busy on her laptop, typing something while eating salad. Everything was fine for the soldier when he stepped on a tin can. A soda.

"Hands in the air!" Veronica said but the soldier caught her off guard and shot her arm with the dart. Catching her before she falls.

"Dustin speaking, second subject extracted. Moving out"

Timothee placed his radio back in his pockets and watched as the two soldiers carried his parents in the back of their car.

"If you ask me, I haven't seen my mom for.... Years." Jake confessed.

Timothee started the car and stepped on the accelerator. "That makes the two of us."

And they drove off, heading out of Raccoon City. 

Y/n's POV

"Y/N! Y/N! WAKE UP!"

Ugh, what's that smell?

The second I squinted my eyes, everybody's panicking. And there's a siren blaring. Repeating the same thing over and over again.


I jumped out of bed and the girls are all in my room upsatirs. Shivering in fear. I was about to open the window when Lilith yanked me away.

"It's dangerous! There's this gas coming out and I don't know what the hell it is!" She shouted at me.

My heart raced as I tried to find a way to get us out of here.

Where's Carlos when you need him?

Bang! My apartment door swung open and in came people wearing gas masks. I grabbed the leather bag from my desk and attached it on my waist. Aiming the gun on the stairs.

To be continued..

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