Chapter 66

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The crowd was silent. Completely stunned with their brutal strengths and ways of killing. Especially Y/n. Wesker adjusted his shades. Completely amazed by their performance. Soldiers came out to sweep and clear the cockpit for more space. "What do we have last on the list?" He asked the doctor in charge. "Project Nemesis, sir." Wesker crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back on his chair. "Give them a treat." The doctor nodded and he pressed a button. Y/n gasped as a container rose from the ground. Multiple vials of T-virus neatly placed on it. Jake went over the thing. "Come to papa." He removed one syringe bigger than their normal dose and injected it on his arm. Laughing like a man high on drugs.


Y/n covered her mouth when Jake started to mutate. His height grew from 6 to more than she can count and his bones melted and his muscles became more sturdy. His organs and veins popped out, red engulfing his arms and legs even up to his face and his eyes bloodshot red. His left hand grew four sharp and long claws and his shoulder wider like a titan. When Y/n turned her head to the side, Timothee was injecting as well. The gates busted open and last but not the least, Nemesis in his stage 3 form. The red butchered creature plunged towards Jake now they're in a close combat. "Timothee.." Y/n fell to her knees when she saw a scorpion's tail retract from his back. His skin turning scaly and his hair rose up and froze like a knife's edge. Y/n stared at his eyes. The eyes of a serpent. And his arm, one with uroboros and the other with no uroboros. "Stay back." His voice was low and hoarse as he ran to Nemesis and joined Jake. The sticky goo she saw earlier is now surrounding the bodies of the bioweapons in front of her. Including her brother. Timothee would hit Nemesis with his uroboros along with his scorpion tail while Jake scratched  and punched it from the front. Y/n glanced at the container with vials. Wesker smirked. "Take it young one." He whispered. A sly smirk on his lips.

The battle went on and on and Nemesis is still up. Some soldiers even threw smoke grenades into the pit. Y/n can already hear Jake and Timothee crying out in pain. Her eyes started to water as she stood on her feet. Her heart and mind battling inside of her. Y/n picked up Jake's gun and started shooting the creature until she ran out of bullets and the smoke went away. Nemesis turned his head towards her but Timothee blocked his path causing Nemesis to shove him to the side, throwing him to the wall. Nemesis was making his way to her but Jake pulled him from behind to divert his attention. Y/n ran to her big brother, helping him sit up.  Timothee sighed as he faced her. Y/n averted her gaze to the vials of T-virus in front of her. "You don't have to..." Timothee said, holding his stomach. Y/n bit her bottom lip as she peered through her shoulder to see Jake getting beaten up by Nemesis. "Y/n..." Her brother called out to her. "I'm sorry Timothee.."

Y/n grabbed the biggest vial as big as her middle finger to her wrist. She injected it on her thigh. Miss Pitt covered her mouth in shock. All the cameras focused on her. Timothee widened his eyes. Y/n started to cough up blood. Casually losing her balance, her clothes melted as her veins bulged out of her skin as if its a red tribal tattoo. Y/n choked as a white thin thread made its way out of her mouth and she spit it out. Four sharp thin claws replaced her fingers, her veins acting as a protective shell. Y/n' hair rose and her eyes turned from red to black and her skin grew pale. "It hurts! It hurts!" She repeatedly screamed. The crowd started whispering among themselves as Y/n elevated from the ground.

A sticky goo showered her while a family of white thin threads surrounded her, wrapping her inside a cocoon. Wesker stood up, eager to watch what will happen next. The cocoon settled gently on the ground and was split in half. The sound of arrows echoed as Y/n rose from the cocoon. Blood splattered to the ground like pain on a cnavas. Wesker was shook when he saw millions of transparent threads came out of her body and went through Nemesis's own. Y/n opened her eyes and smoke oozed out of her nostrils. Nemesis jumped at her but Y/n landed on the ground and she lifted her arms. She flattened her hands on the ground and her weave came out of her fingertips, swiftly reaching Nemesis's veins. Y/n pictured his insides in her mind, a fiendish grin on her face, revealing her white razor sharp fangs.

Nemesis yelped in pain as he jumped around to move an inch closer to her. "Weave." She said and another set of it jerked out of her toenails and wrapped around his four legs. Wesker slammed his hand on his table. "What is going on?!" Said him.

Y/n floated again, she contracted her hands and her claws grew longer and she scratched Nemesis. Y/n landed on the ground as she lost control of the weaves she had on him. Nemesis ran towards her to claw her rolled beneath him. Y/n climbed the wall and ran across the cockpit with Nemesis following her while he didn't know her weave's already surrounding his area like a plasma line that can cut you to pieces. Hence, it's not just because it's thin but because it's alive. Breathing, just like its host. Y/n stood in the middle with Nemesis on the wall, Y/n crossed her hands above her chest, covering her mouth and when Nemesis jumped towards her, the weave penetrated his nerves and veins. "STOP." Wesker was furious and soldiers started to come out of the gates but Y/n's weave dealt with it by penetrating their foreheads and exploding in the process.

The people gasped and Miss Pitt ducked to cover herself. Y/n smirked as she curled her fingers and Nemesis snapped into pieces. Her weave turned transparent again as she lost her balance but Timothee caught her in time. Wesker glared at them. His shades already removed and his eyes red. "Y/n..." Timothee placed her on the ground and didn't move when he noticed her fingers still moving. "You're not done yet, huh?" Her transparent weave busted through the protective glass and entered each and every employee's even soldier's head, making them shriek and cry out as if their nerves are being squeezed then..BOOM!

Their heads exploded all at once, blood completely painting the once clear glass then she fainted. Miss Pitt took the opportunity to grab the parents with her and as soon as Timothee looked back to Wesker's seat, he's nowhere to be found.


P.S It's not like Spiderman's web.

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