Chapter 37

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Who's your fave character so far?


Y/n's POV

"Dear passengers, we've arrived at the Arklay Station. Please remain inside to ensure your safety." The conductor said through the intercom.

"Ok. Listen up. We only have 30 minutes to grab what we need. No detours. If you hear anything from a distance, run. Lucas and Liam, you two stay on guard." Carlos announced.

List of People who left

Miss Pitt

I squeezed my bag straps when the train doors opened. Wooosh! The wind sending shivers down my spine. It's just 10 AM. "Let's go." Carlos said and we went on our way. Looking back one last time, I saw Jia waving her hand. I waved back and smiled. I'll come back and give you a snack kiddo...

 I'll come back and give you a snack kiddo

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Author's POV

If not for the incident that happened in Spencer Mansion, this village would still be a safe haven for every living thing out there. "No wonder the RPD said that Raccoon Forest and Arklay County is off limits." Tyrell mentioned. "Hey guys.. Look." Lilith pointed at a signboard attached to a piece of wood buried in the snow.

"Beware Of The Dogs"

It said. Beside the last word is a handprint in blood dragged downwards."Let's move on. Keep your eyes peeled." Carlos said. There's no way someone would get a good laugh right now, not after seeing that warning.

Gliding through the snow made audible cracking sounds. Mixed with the earthy smell of moss and algae. On the left side, a convenience store piqued their interest. All of them entered and some started to get what they need. The girls grabbed their baskets, opening shelves and sliding refrigerator doors.

"Oh hell naw..." Everybody turned their heads to the catwalk of the store where Jackson was. Staring at a dog devouring a bloody deer. Tyrell slowly shoved the others with him in a corner further inside. Carlos, who's close to the dog as well, held up his index finger to his mouth to calm Jackson down. "Do you have a gun?" Carlos mouthed to him. Jackson shook his head. The only weapon he has is his baseball bat.

Carlos clenched his jaw. Shaking his head in exasperation. Of all times. He thought. Carlos gradually bent to reach for the suppressor on the pockets of his pants but  then realized that opening the pocket itself is already tricky. You can't make a noise.

Carlos decided to pass the gun he's holding to Jackson. This kid better know how to use one. On his rear, stood Y/n and Miss Pitt. They're both holding baskets close to a broken window. Healthy vines hanging over it. "Stay back Diana..." Y/n whispered to Miss Pitt because there's a four-legged silhouette outside, beside them.

Jackson's hands are shaking as he held and aimed the gun to the window next to him. Another dog was there. Growling at him. Saliva dripping from its mouth and its body parts are demolished. They're cornered. Fuck it. Carlos opened his left pocket to grab another hand gun. Pop!

The dog eating the deer looked at him in a slow-mo. "INCOMING." Carlos shot the dog in the mouth. Another gunshot was heard from Y/n's side as well. "YO! THIS THING GONNA EAT ME!" Jackson yelled. The dog leaped in front of him. Fuck! "CLOSE YOUR MOUTH!" The dog's face split into two as a tentacle came out. Carlos kicked the dog amd shot it two times. A whimper escaping before it lied down. Jackson closed his eyes as he catched his breath. "You work on that bud..." Carlos lend his hand to him and Jackson gladly took it and stood up. His legs wobbling. "I-I missed my shot." Tyrell rubbed his back. "You can do better than that."

Carlos turned to see Y/n and Miss Pitt and the dog is dead too. Miss Pitt hitting its head simultaneously with a crowbar and Y/n's gun had smoke oozing out of it. "We gotta hurry up." Tyrell reminded. Lilith patted Y/n's back. "You okay?" Y/n nodded. "Aside from sullying my legs, I'm fine."

"There's no time for chit-chat ladies, let's go." Miss Pitt whispered in between us. Lilith sighed and walked back to Tyrell's side. "Hey, Y/n, what you did back there was so badass—" "Yeah, yeah, it's time to go, it's time to go." Carlos yanked Y/n away from Lance, dragging her with him out of the store. Lance gritted his teeth. "Relax.." Geo said as he tapped Lance's shoulder.

Everybody climbed the road to the farthest part of the village but Y/n is just standing behind them. Staring at a house near the convenience store. "Y/n! Hurry up!" Miss Pitt layed her eyes on the house and saw a signboard.

"Winter Clothes And Linen"
                         Available inside!

"God, Y/n you're a blessing!" Miss Pitt exclaimed as she called the others to join them inside. Their jaws dropped once they've stepped foot on the interior. It's not like any other. It's a home turned shop. The windows are barricaded with wood and the items are neatly stored. Fabrics hanged in walls, jackets, beanies and gloves woven in wool gently pressed and folded in cabinets. The cashier counter is a mess though. Receipts are scattered and torn. No money was left inside the machine. The wallpapers are so antique. Even the furnitures.

The jocks didn't hesitate, wearing every single jacket they see so that they can carry it with ease. Layering themselves. On one aisle, a mannequin with no head caught Y/n's attention. A purple colored crocheted jacket with fur, the same size as Jia. This is perfect! On the other hand, Miss Pitt grabbed blankets and pillows. Lilith, Tyrell and Carlos went to the second floor. Along the hallways are picture frames of business and family.

Tyrell opened the first door and closed his eyes for a second. Lilith followed, covering her mouth after. A king-sized bed lays two skeletons with clothes on. Female and male. The male's hand holding a gun to his skull. Lilith let out a muffled sob. "Hey, easy now..." Tyrell said as he rubbed her back, calming her down. Carlos then opened the second door and there's two medium beds. One sceleton each. The other's blanket is pink and the other one blue. Fuck.

Lilith just took a glimpse and looked away. Her eyes are getting a bit puffy. "Maybe they didn't want to turn into those things." Carlos said, making Lilith sob.

Tyrell sighed as he pushed the third door open. "I'll be damned..." When Carlos and Lilith entered, the room was filled with supplies. Lilith picked up a note and read,

"Whoever needs it, Take it. Be safe. Yours truly, the Dair Family."

Tyrell immediately stashed the goods in his pockets, bags and plastics. Afterall, there's no time to waste. Later on, Y/n also wanted to climb but Lilith stopped her. "There's nothing to see but death." She whispered to her bestfriend. Gaining an 'Oh' from Y/n.


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