Chapter 44

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"What the hell is that?" Liam whispered to Lucas. They're already midway to the train when a figure awaited them at the front. Stomping its hooves on the ground as if its getting ready to race TOWARDS them.

"Should we run for it?" Lucas asked. "We can do this. If another one comes out, I'll shoot it." Lucas nodded. The deer snorted, sprinting with its head faced down to project its antlers.

"GODDAMIT." Liam noticed the deer's eyes are red. "IT'S INFECTED!" The deer shrieked, and hundreds of their kinds started swarming from behind. A wide gap between them.

"RUN LIAM. RUN." Lucas was shooting the infected deers behind them while Liam took care of the front one. "RELOADING!"

Carlos and Tyrell were alerted, running down the train with their guns. Liam shot the deer in the eye, making it bump its body on the railings. "LEAVE IT LUCAS!" The animals were getting closer and WHAT Liam did not notice is that the deer earlier wasn't dead yet.

Lucas was about to run, BANG. BANG. BANG. The deer fell on top of him. "LUCAS?!" Liam checked on his brother and noticed a broken antler on the deer.

Carlos and Tyrell came, immediately helping Liam remove the deer from his brother. "SHIT!" Liam nudged his brother's back and felt liquid on his waist.
"Oh shit. Oh SHIT. OH SHIT." Liam cursed. "LET'S GO!" Carlos shouted as he carried Lucas bridal style.

Tyrell threw a flashbang on the swarm, making them cower in fear and run off into the feilds away from the bridge. "START THE FUCKING TRAIN!" Carlos yelled at the conductor.

Alan stepped on the accelerator and waited for the guys to step inside. "FUCK. I can't, I can't- SHIT!" Lucas grunted in
pain, making everyone panic.

Miss Pitt quickly grabbed the herbs and some cloth and brought it to the twins. "SHIT. What do I do?!" Liam was shaking. "PULL IT OUT. Please... AHHH." Miss Pitt laid him down on the floor. Carlos's hands are bloody as well as Liam's.

"I NEED SOMEONE TO HOLD HIM DOWN." Miss Pitt grabbed the edge of the antler stuck on Lucas's waist. Carlos pinned his arms down and Mikhail held his hand. "You can do it son. You gotta fight it." Lucas gritted his teeth. "Bite this." Miss Pitt gave Lucas a piece of wood and he bit on it. Tasting like mint and lemon.

"I want you to take deep breaths, ready? One, two, three!" Miss Pitt pulled the bone out. Lucas let out a muffled scream. "JUST A LITTLE MORE." Miss Pitt pulled once again. "IT'S DEEP." Lucas's heartbeat was racing. "COME ON LUCAS, STAY WITH ME." Liam said while wiping the sweat off his brother's forehead. Miss Pitt pulled once again and finally the antler came off. "No organ was hit but the wound is deep."

Lucas panted as Carlos removed the wood on his mouth. "We're gonna stop the bleeding ok? Stay with me Lucas. Don't sleep. Don't sleep."

"It.. It h-h-h-hurts.. Ahhhhh." Miss Pitt grabbed some herbs and leaves, crushing it. She pressed them hard on the wound to block it.

"Mom? Mom... I-I-I miss... Mom?" Lucas was mumbling inaudible things. "He's wavering." Miss Pitt pressed another big leaf on the wound and wiped the stain blood. "The hard part's done, I'm gonna wrap this around you okay?" Miss Pitt helped Lucas sit up as she wrapped the wound with a gauze. "There. That should do."

Citizen: what if he's infected?

Citizen: We need to see if he's gonna turn.

Citizen: It's dangerous to keep him around us. They should lock him up in the third car alone.

"CAN YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP." Lilith snapped at the citizens. "HE WASN'T BITTEN. HE WAS IMPALED WITH AN ANTLER." The citizens didn't budge. "Idiots..."


Y/n removed her padded jacket and placed on Lucas who's sitting beside Mikhail. Asleep. Jia walked towards him. Removing her necklace and putting it on his palm. "What are you doing Jia?" Mother Amelia asked. "Oh, I just gave him my lucky charm necklace. To keep him from trouble. It helped me when we were still in the orphanage." Jia explained. Mother Amelia sighed as she hugged the little kid. "That's good Jia. But for now, let's leave him to rest, ok?" Jia nodded, going back to her seat.

"Why aren't you married Miss Pitt?" Liam asked out of the blue. He started a conversation to divert his mind. Miss Pitt chuckled. "It's a long story actually."  Liam  raised his eyebrows. "Long lost love?"

"Long lost love who cheated on me." She said with a stern voice. A tinge of bitterness. "I lost hope in all MEN."

Liam scoffed. "Well, they're not all men."


Carlos was pacing back and forth inside the conductor's cabin. He was desperate to find something for Lucas's wound. "We need something to stitch him up." Miss Pitt said earlier.

Carlos unfolded the map to navigate. "How about this mall right here." Alan pointed on the paper. Carlos nodded."Ok. Let's stop there."

"I can only stop at the station. You have to travel on foot for 40 minutes to reach the mall."

Carlos sighed. "Whatever it takes then."

"You know, the twins look up to you, so seeing you uneasy will not help them young man."


"Ok so this list contains the things we need for the wound. Uh.." Carlos trailed off. "Miss Pitt, I think you should come."

"Oh, did I write something wrong?"

Carlos shook his head. "I don't know what the other tools here look like."

Miss Pitt chuckled. "Okay."

Tyrell opened the doors and Lilith was about to join as well but Jia pulled the hem of her jacket. "Please don't go Lilith, I'm... Scared."

Y/n turned to Lilith. "It's ok girl. We'll manage. You take care of Jia for me." Lilith nodded. "Come back in one piece, yeah?" Y/n smiled and they left.


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