Chapter 62

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Deep in the depths of Umbrella, lies the dungeons. Whispers in the dark woke Miss Pitt from her deep slumber. Her back aching and her head spinning. "Where am I? Ah!" She flinched and moved back to see a skull beside her in the rusty bed. "Oh dear..." She sat up, holding her head in her hands as she squinted her eyes. A light source came from afar, alerting the other prisoners inside. Their voices hoarse and tired, screaming and crying in pain. Begging for someone to release them from the terror they're going through. 

???: Bring her up. 

A male said and soldiers started unlocking Miss Pitt's cell. "Please, no, no, no-" Miss Pitt didn't finish her sentence when the two soldiers grabbed her by arm and dragged her out of the dungeons. "WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?" They went up a flight of stairs and there at the very pit of the structure are ginormous canisters with different colored liquids. "I HAVE A COMPANION! WHERE IS SHE?" Miss Pitt tried to kick the male doctor in front of her until they've reached a door. "WHERE'S MY STUDENT YOU SON OF A BITCH!" SLAP! Miss Pitt froze when she felt a sting on her right cheek. 

Male Doctor: Quiet. 

They came across another hallway with artificial lights. Miss Pitt gritted her teeth and followed in silence. There were several glassed walls making her jerk her head backward to see test subjects furiously trying to release themselves from being tied or chained to the wall or hospital beds and employees talking to each other whilst taking notes. Miss Pitt felt a lump in her throat. Fear clouding her mind and her vision starting to blur. The soldiers noticed her wobble so they gripped harder on her arm. Miss Pitt bit her bottom lip to stop the tears until another door greeted them. When it opened, the sunlight blinded her, making her close her eyes and lower her head. She looked up after a second and saw the ceiling first. A bulletproof glass with the sunrays entering to illuminate the area. She glanced at the cockpit and saw a red and white logo painted on the wall and a saying, 'Our business is life itself.' 

Male Doctor: Sit. 

The soldiers pushed her to a seat close to the main row where there are screens and three chairs bigger and fancier than the ones around her. She lifted her arms when a soldier placed handcuffs on her wrists and aimed their guns at her to guard her. The place was still empty. On the other hand, the Chris and the others started to scout each Umbrella bases. "this is the last one." He opened a lid. "It's a sewer system that we've cleared before." James added. "We can't jump all at once, not with our gears on." He looked at Lance. "Oh, umm.." 

"Come on Smithy, you jump first and tell us what's in there." Allen said and Lance gulped, looking down. "Hey, Piers would be proud of you. He led the squad here before. May he rest in piece." A moment of silence. "Ok. Ok." Lance crossed his arms and jumped. The water making a splash sound. "How was it?!" Chris shouted from above. "Oh Jesus Christ, it's ok! The water level's above the waist!" Lance replied as he saw a dead zombie floating in the water making him shiver in disgust.

"Good! We're dropping the gears so stay sharp!" 


Timothee woke up when he felt a strong surge of energy in his body. He opened his eyes to find himself on a hospital bed. His left arm tied to the ceiling and an IV tube injected to his arm, passing T-virus to his veins. Enormous amounts of it. "Hnnnggg... Fuck." His body stiffened making him move in a robotic way. His voice hitched as if to choke as he lifted his right arm to pull the tube off his arm. "UGH." Timothee fell from the bed. Shivering because of too much T-virus. His left eye turned red with a slit in the middle. His breaths heavy and shaky as his left arm started to bubble. The pain unbearable. "Too much?" Timothee sat up, pushing the wheeled bed move to the side, disarranging it. Wesker stared at him as he hissed in pain. A nurse entered and typed something on her tablet. The wall opened in a cylindrical way and another bed came out. "Y/N!" Timothee tried to crawl to her but Wesker kicked him in the side of his stomach, making him cough up blood. Wesker bent down to his level and held his chin. "Your parents will join you soon." He whispered and left with the nurse. Timothee groaned, staring at his sister with two IV tubes connected to her body. One for each of her arms. "Y/n.." He called out to her, reaching her bed with his hand until his vision started to blur and his surroundings went dark. 

Nathan and Veronica held each other as the door of their room was being cut with plasma and soldiers barged in and took them. The two were clueless of their surroundings. They pushed them inside a car and drove off to the place where the grand event will be held. Meanwhile, Miss Pitt noticed that the seats are starting to fill. Employees wearing white lab coats with a red and white logo on their clothes. She gulped at how calm and collected they were. Some are even ordering the soldier around.

Employee: Get me some coffee please!

Employee: Ooohh! I'm excited!

Employee: I can't wait. 

Miss Pitt diverted her attention to the cockpit and saw two cylindrical shapes carved on the floor as if something's gonna pop out of there later. Back to the lower levels, the soldiers pushed the parents inside the room where their children were. Veronica quickly shook Timothee, to wake him up. "Honey, honey, Timmy, wake up! Wake up!" She checked his pulse. "Wake up child." Timothee gasped so loud as his eyes shot open and saw his parents holding him. "Y/n!" He said as he released himself from their embrace and stood up. Wobbling. The IV tubes automatically removed itself from Y/n, making her wake after hours. "Y/n!!!!" Veronica ran to her and hugged her while Nathan helped Timothee regain his balance. "M-Mo-Mom-" Y/n stuttered as her eyes started to water. "It's ok honey, it's ok, mommy's here, mommy's here." Y/n sat up, shaking and shivering as her nerves started to rise to her skin. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry-" Timothee burst in tears as they walked closer to Y/n's bed, hugging each other. "No son, it's not your fault." Nathan said and rubbed his back. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for-" 

"Timothee, shhh. It's ok , it's ok." Veronica brought her two children's foreheads close to hers, their sobs and sniffs getting louder. Nathan looked around for a weapon but to no avail, the doors busted open. "Ok, enough of the family reunion! The show's about to start." A female doctor smirked and soldiers grabbed the parents out. "UNHAND ME!" Veronica took a scalpel from the table and stabbed the soldier on the leg. Nathan pushed another one and grabbed its helmet, smashing it against the wall. 


Timothee ran towards the adults but the soldiers already closed the doors. "LET US OUT!" He kicked the doors. "NO! NO! YOU BASTARDS!" Y/n stood up, the cold floor making her feet shiver and her toes curl. "Timothee..." She mumbled and Timothee stopped, pulling her in a hug. Their cries the only thing you can hear inside. 

*I will be adding songs to give it some feels. It's up to you  if you can read while listening to music. 

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