Chapter 71

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Carlos' POV

"I think it's time to take those horses for a ride. Who's going hunting?" Chris asked while looking at teh map on his office. A lot raised their hands including me. "Awesome. I want you all to go in pairs." I think I already know who to bring. I waited until Chris called my name." And Carlos?"

I cleared my throat." I already have someone to bring Cap. I'm afraid she'll get mad if I don't."

Soldiers: AYIEEEEE

Everyone inside started to laugh as I shook my head in embarrassment." Ok. I'm giving you all two days for the hunt. You're all dismissed."


" Hey, Y/n, you up?" I knocked on the door once more until I felt the door knob turn. " Oh hey- woah." I took a step back to regain my balance when Y/n came at me, linking her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. Squeezing me like a koala bear. "Hey, you okay?" I nervously chuckled as I placed my left hand behind her head and the right around her waist to balance her weight. "Imishyu." I didn't quite catch what she said since her face is buried in the crook of my neck. Y/n didn't budge for awhile until she lifted her head and faced me with a cheekish grin. "I said I miss you. Now put me down."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Yes ma'am."

"So? What brings you here?" She askedonce she got down. "Well, supercop, remember when I told you I'm bringing you with me?"

She raised a brow. "Hunting?" I nodded. "Holy shit, no way-"

"Yes way. Now pack up. It's a two day trip around the forest."

Y/n's POV

I closed the door behind me and grabbed my backpack and phone. Shoving all of my clothes inside and some medical supplies, along with my T virus vials. I washed my face and changed into a black tee with herbology print, jeans, combat boots and a red checkered long sleeve to top off the look. Safe Haven fashion yall. I took my harness with me and placed my guns in its respective place then grabbed a piece of paper.

Dear girls,
Gonna go hunting. Will be gone for a few days.

- Y/n

Author's POV {2:00 PM}

After what witnessing what happened to her parents, Lilith was drained so Sherry told Jake to just stop by her apartment for awhile. The couple went inside Sherry's room and locked the door, leaving Lilith and Timothee alone in the living room. Lilith remained silent as she watched Timothee walk to the map plastered on the wall. This subdivision is secluded but already infested with the virus. There's even a convenience store in across the street where Jake referred to it as "Sherry's Refrigerator."

"Do you like flowers?" The older male asked. Breaking teh silence. " Yeah. I like dandelions." Timothee nodded. " There's a flower museum. Just walking distance from here. Would you like to go?"

Lilith folded her parents letter and hid it in her pockets as she walked beside Timothee. "Sure."


Everybody went separate ways once they left Safe Haven. One horse per person but Carlos decided to just bring one so Y/n's sitting behind him with her arms around his waist."What's the name of this horse?" Y/n asked when they slowed down. "I'm not good at giving names so you decide."

" Hmmm, I'm thinking about getting something from your surname." Carlos chuckled. " Sure buttercup. The horse is a girl by the way."

" Olive." Y/n suggested." That sounds pretty good!"
Y/n laid out her palm on the front in which Carlos glady gave her a high five.

Corporal RAMBO: UNRAVEL [Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now