Chapter 8

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Author's POV

Michaela removed her earphones and stationed herself in front of the coffee mixer.

"You look too young for coffee."

Michaela almost dropped her drink when she heard the sergeant's voice. Harrani's taught her a few things before. Flirting, and talking.

"What's in it for you?" Michaela flipped her hair as she turned around to take her cup to another table.

Nicholai glanced at the CCTV camera. Its color bright green. Indicating it's on. After a split second, it turned red. Michaela was putting some sugar on her coffee when she felt something sharp on her neck. She didn't have time to react until she blacked out.

Nicholai looked back at the camera and it turned green again. Hiding the syringe in his pockets, he left her there, lying on the floor.

[Security Control Room]

"Where have you been?" Asked Tyrell, turning his swivel chair around.

"Cafeteria. Coffee." answered Nicholai.

"Then where's your coffee." Tyrell eyes him suspiciously.

"Already drank it." Nicholai reasoned.

Tyrell shrugged and faced the computers in front of him. "The Weather Department sent a message by the way. You go check it"

Nicholai sat on the swivel chair beside him and picked up the school phone.

W.D: This is the Weather Department. Our team has yet to confirm about the storm surge. Weather forecasts have been quiet since the incident. Should we continue to cut the power? To whom it may concern. Thank you.

He smirked and proceeded to type back.

Nicholai: This is Nicholai. The U.B.C.S Sergeant and monitor. Continue to cut the power.

W.D: how long sir?

Nicholai: Three days.

W.D: will do Sir. Thank you.

"What did they say?" Tyrell asked. Not moving his eyes from the computer.

"Well, they're not sure about the storm but they'll still cut the power." Nicholai said as he deleted the messages.

Lilith's POV

My phone won't stop ringing. It's Y/n. God she must think I'm a dumbass. I'm off to visit the Orphanage two blocks from the West Wing. It's been two days since I last went there. I'm worried about the kids. I took the garden route because there's less soldiers there. Thanks to Y/n for teaching me some stealth tricks.

Before the incident, me and Y/n love to do volunteer work whenever we're bored. Hence, this Orphanage opened tons of opportunities for us. The kids there are inspiring. Despite the circumstances they're going through. All I hope is they're ok.

Please let them be ok...

8:00 PM

I arrived at the Rosemary Orphanage's doorstep. Knocking twice and clapping thrice, it opened. It's a signature code that they gave me and Y/n whenever we visit. I stepped inside and lowered my head.

"Welcome back Lilith." said Mother Amelia. The one who introduced us to the kids.

I smiled as I removed my coat, " Thank you for your kindness, Mother Amelia."

She nodded and we went on our way. The orphanage has three floors and an underground storage space. The design is pretty old fashioned. At night, they only use candles and gas lamps.

"It's awfully quiet, don't you think?" asked Mother Amelia.

I nodded, " Is everyone ok?"

Mother Amelia stopped walking and looked at me." We're going to the second floor. Do not make any fuss."


"No TALKING. HUGGING. SCREAMING. LAUGHING. SHUT." She ordered. Pulling an invisible zipper on her lips.

I gulped and just followed her through the stairs. Trying not to jump or shriek whenever we step on the wooden material. Causing creaks to echo in the hallways.

Good thing it's not pouring tonight...

Mother Amelia opened the door to one of the rooms and I immediately covered my mouth. The room was well lit and it stinks. It reeks of medicinal herbs. Too strong. The other nuns were sitting beside a certain child or if not, talking and eating loaf and drinking tea.

"24 hours after the incident, paramedics stopped coming. Few soldiers come and go at lunch time to deliver food, bandages and clothes. That's it. " Mother Amelia said as she took out a hanky and wiped her eyes. "Has the Lord abandoned us?"

I took a stool beside me and gave it to Mother Amelia, patting her back afterwards.


I was about to turn towards the direction the voice was coming from but Mother Amelia held my hand and shook her head.

"You must go. Your curfew is 10 PM. Right?" she asked. Her voice is sore.

I nodded and one of the nuns escorted me out of the room. The door closed behind me, leaving me alone in the dark hallway. The light emitted by the lamps, swaying back and forth as I pass by them.

Y/n needs to know about this...

As I'm walking down the stairs, I took out my phone and noticed the time. 8:02 PM. I dialed Y/n's number and quickly reached the main door. Placing the phone between my shoulder and ear, I grabbed my coat.

"Oh thank goodness girl, you picked u—"

Y/n: where in God's name were you?!

I lowered my phone's volume and proceeded to wear my coat.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm at the orphanage. West wing"

Y/n: are you out of your freaking mind?! Wait, West wing?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, It's just—"

Glug. Glug. Glug.

I turned around when I heard some noises. It's like someone's having a hard time swallowing. I lowered my phone and checked the living room.

Y/n: look, tell me if you're close, I'll come fetch you—

"Hold on a second—shhh!"

Looking at the Television, it was lit. The carpet was crumpled and it looked wet. Though I didn't quite mind it since it must be water coming from the ceiling. I was about to leave but I felt something dripping from above. Averting my gaze towards the chandelier, I saw a nun hanging from the ceiling. Her eyes are red and her dress was covered with slime.

"Holy shit" I cursed under my breath.

Y/n: what's going on?

I put my phone in my pocket and rushed to the main door. I wasn't looking where I was going until I bumped against the door.

God! I think I hurt my ankle...

The nun just jumped down to the ground. Hissing and mumbling things I can't freaking understand. I got on my knees and grabbed the door knob.

This door is heavy!!!!!

While I'm pushing it, this thing was crawling towards me, on all fours. It looked desperate. Hungry. Mad. Before I knew, it charged towards me, the same time I got the door open. I rushed my self out, and rolled over the concrete stairs and landing on the dirt.

"Open up you piece of shit!"

I stared at the door while trying to catch my breath. Good thing it's not that easy to unlock. Though I can still hear nails scratching against the hard wood.

"Y/n... I'm... I'm on my way back"

Y/n: I'll meet you at the greenhouse.

To be continued...

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