Chapter 38

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Author's POV

Lilith, Tyrell and Carlos got off the second floor, eyeing each and everyone's carried goods. "Damn G, you look homeless!" Jackson snickered, looking at Geo who's wrapped with more than ten jackets around his body. "Asshole..."

"Where's Diana- I mean Miss Pitt?" Y/n asked. A thud was heard from the back of the kitchen. As if a bunch of things just fell down the stairs. Everybody scurries through the area, only to find Miss Pitt pushing aside some boxes that were blocking a wooden door. "Ma'am what are you doing?" Tyrell asked. "I smell something in there! It could be useful!" She reasoned. It smells minty. Y/n thought.

So Tyrell and Carlos removed the boxes and pushed the door open. A huge flight of stairs welcomed them. "Must be connecting to the attic. Not a basement." Carlos said. Miss Pitt entered first and they followed.

Rows of pots and clips decorated the place

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Rows of pots and clips decorated the place. Pretty ironic how the outside looks dead but the plants here are healthy and breathing. "Smoke weed everyday~" Jackson sang. Making Tyrell laugh. "A quick reminder that we only have 30 minutes." Tyrell added. The girls started shoving the greens inside their available luggage. "God, I love the smell of Oregano." Carlos exclaimed. Inhaling the leaf with his eyes closed. I could use some hot tea right now.

Carlos glanced at Y/n for a split second who's busy grabbing the bottles from the shelves. He ran his fingers through his hair, scanning the tables for something interesting. He had this urge to give her something special. A surprise. Lilith, who's rummaging through the cabinets, accidentally dropped a thick notebook with leather covers tied together.

Carlos picked it up and a note fell.

"My love, thank you for allowing me to keep these herbs for God knows how long. It saved us from illnesses outside of the village. However, my time is running short. I can't mix without fainting and vomiting here and there. Tonight, I want you to take the gun in our safe. Shoot me. Our kids as well. We can't turn into those things. Our stash is ready to go. I love you Simone. Take care. Your loving wife, Farah."

Carlos flipped the note and there's another message.

"If this does not reach my husband, please, whoever is there, this journal means a lot to me. I beseech you to give it to someone you love the most. Do not waste the knowledge written in the pages."

"Carlos let's go!" Tyrell said and Carlos hid the notebook inside his vest and left the attic.


"This is our last stop, let's split up." Carlos said and he and Tyrell went to the Sheriff's building. The three guys to the gun shop and Lilith with Y/n to the gasoline station. Miss Pitt stayed put in a bench to watch out for infected.

"Yo take those shivs and grenades." Jackson told Lance. Geo on the other hand saw three long and heavy shotguns laid side by side. "These are dope!" Geo looked around for the ammos and realized they're inside a glass cabinet. What's a gun without ammos, right?

Geo bit his lower lip and smashed the glass with the baseball bat he's holding. Jackson and Lance stared at him with wide eyes. "GEO FUCKING HAWKSLEY" Lance shouted at him.


"Uhh, guys? I think we have to go. There's five, no, 12 dogs coming our way." Miss Pitt said. Geo grabbed the ammos and ran along with the two. "MISS PITT LET'S GO!"
Y/n  and Lilith were carrying  gallons of gasoline.

The dogs are sprinting from the mountain down to where they are. Howling and growling like ferocious beasts. "MOVE!MOVE!" Carlos and Tyrell started firing at them. Upon crossing the bridge, the river currents swayed the railings. Don't slip, don't slip, don't slip! Lilith thought. Grrrrr. Lilith was about to jump away from the bridge when a tentacle grabbed her leg. "FUCK!!" Lilith yelped. Y/n yeeted her goods to the other side and shot the dog twice in the body. The tentacle released but its still alive. "MOVE! I'll buy you time!" Geo said as he cooked a grenade and threw it to the water.

BOOM! The bridge broke, separating the lands.  "WHERE'S Y/N?!" Lilith shouted. The only thing left was Y/n's things."RUN!!!! THEY CAN FUCKING JUMP!" Y/n said who just came out of the freezing water. The dogs leaped from the other side, their mouths split in half and a tentacle dangling.

"START THE TRAIN! START THE TRAIN!" Lilith waved her hands to signal the conductor. Maximus, who is on his side saw them running to the train so he alerted the old man. The engines revved and its slowly moving.

Julianne and Annie opened the doors, lending their hands to grab them. While sprinting, they threw their goods inside and grabbed hold of their hands as they pulled them upwards. "GO! GO!" The girls got in and Tyrell gripped the sliding doors to yank himself up, helping Jackson and Lance. "LEAVE IT!' Tyrell yelled at Carlos who's busy shooting the dogs. Tyrell grabbed his vest and Carlos got in.

"GEO HURRY UP!!!" The train's pace speed up and the doors are slowly closing. Carlos blocked the gap with his body and lend his hand for Geo to hold. It was a success. I'm the one holding a lot here. Geo thought. The doors automatically shut and the cars are filled with people panting and shaking in fear.

POW! A punch landed on Geo's face, making him stumble to the seats. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Lance shouted at him. Geo touched his nose and blood tinted his finger. "I NEEDED THOSE FUCKING AMMOS!" Geo plunged into Lance, straggling him in the stomach. Lance kept elbowing him while Geo hit him with his knees. "IF YOU DIDN'T BREAK THAT GLASS, NONE OF THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED."

Lance tackled Geo to the ground and started punching his face. "HEY, STOP, STOP." Carlos and Tyrell removed Lance on top and Jackson helped Geo stand up.
"Nobody's in the wrong! Those guns were essentials."Lilith said. "ESSENTIALS MY ASS, Y/N ALMOST DROWNED BECAUSE OF THAT FUCKER." Lance yelled at her and Geo laughed. "YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT Y/N LOSER—" "ENOUGH!"

Everybody turned to Mother Amelia who's standing next to the cabin crew's door with Maximus."The conductor can't focus with all the noise right now." She added. The boys settled down, far from each other and silence filled the air. Carlos checked the three shotguns Geo got and patted his back. "Hey, it's all right. Everybody argues sometimes." Geo gave him a quick smile.

"Jia!" Y/n waved a snack and Jia ran to her. "Oops! Before you eat, I want you to wear this first." Jia jumped in joy when she saw the purple jacket. "Thank you Y/n!!" She said as she hugged the older female.


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