Chapter 52

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Author's POV

Y/n got a little pissed off. She knows fully well how Chris's orders are final and it can't be changed. Along the hallways, she ran into Carlos himself. "There's that face again." Carlos sighed." I'll come back in one piece, it's not safe for you to come Y/n." She faintly smiled and placed two slight pats on his chest. "Take care." Y/n walked away after that. Carlos sighed. "Women problems?" Leon rubbed his back. "Come on." Carlos looked back one last time before moving on with the blonde guy.

Earlier, Chris ordered one of his soldiers to bring the jocks to the gun range for a short gun evaluation. "So, are you single or something?" Geo asked the female soldier in front of them. "I'm 36 young man." Jackson and Lance laughed at him. "Well, what should we call you then?" Geo glanced at her I.D." Miss Sarah? Mrs. Evans? Are you married?" The female soldier came to halt and faced them. "If you do not fix this behavior I'm gonna have to throw you inside the seeing glass downstairs and watch you scream in pain. Captain did tell that I'm in charge of the gun range for tonight so basically YOU FOLLOW MY RULES." The three fixed their postures at the sudden raise of her voice. "I go by Eve. We don't call fellow soldiers by real names unless they don't have a tag name like Allen. Now, I will spare your lives if you do exactly what I say then I'll let you enjoy the rest of the night completely and utterly. Did I make myself clear?" The three teenagers nodded. "Perfect."


"Damn you look good as new Oliveira." Allen whistled while checking Carlos's new outfit. The standard light gray combat fatigues, gloves, combat boots and a green bulletproof vest. "Why isn't Leon wearing this?" Carlos asked while adjusting his belt. "He was a rookie cop back at RPD and then came back as a D.S.O agent. Helena is a former CIA agent and now works under USSS. and teams up with him, I also heard Hannigan is the surname of the one guiding them through their missions." Carlos mouthed an oh. 

Random soldier: Gee, Allen how do you know all of that?

Allen shrugged. "You should tie that hair young man." The female soldier in charge of the suits pointed at his hair after placing his head gear in front of him. "Alright." Carlos removed Y/n's hair tie from his wrist and pulled half of his hair upwards. Jia kinda taught him how to do a half ponytail. "We gotta hurry up man." Allen grabbed weapons and gave it to Carlos, running to the vehicles after. "Once we get down Oliveira, stay close to me. I'll translate Chris's signals to you."


The moon illuminated the snowy road for them. "Lee, get in position." Chris said through the radio. There are currently two cars, the first one consists of Chris, Leon, James and Carlos. On the second, Allen, Wicked and Lee where their armored car had a turret on top and a digital camera inside to navigate the surroundings. "It's not too far from Safe Haven." Chris said as he stopped the car. Lee sat on the chair for the turret. "Area looks clear." Lee said through the radio.

"Move out." The guys opened the doors, leaving the vehicle behind. "Stay there Lee." 

"Copy that." Lee stayed inside the car, on his seat for the turret while watching through the digital camera. 

Allen jogged beside Carlos. "Pay attention to Chris's hand." Carlos nodded. They entered a suburb filled with wooden structures and withered trees. "Kennedy, you sure they're still here?'

"I swear I saw it with my two goddamn eyes Chris." 

Chris pointed his hand to the left along with his rifle. "We're gonna split up. We go to the left." Allen whispered to Carlos and they dispersed along with James. "Allen, go upstairs, you, to the kitchen, I'll search the living room." The two nodded. Carlos turned on his flashlight. "Oliveira, report." Chris said through their in-ears. "There's something real nasty in here, I don't know what it is. The refrigerator's slimy and the table's full of leftovers." 

"Anything else?" Chris added. Carlos walked close to the counter and the drawers are empty. "The knives are gone." 

"Shit." Chris cursed under his breath. "We've got company." James warned everyone. Carlos turned off his flashlight and saw James near the entrance of the house and Allen walking down the stairs. "What are you doing in my house?" An old woman stepped inside while holding a lantern. Her other arm behind her. "Ma'am, we're here to help so just tell us what's going on and we'll settle things nice and gently." James lowered his gun slightly. "You shouldn't be here lad." The woman raised a kitchen knife. "DIE!" Before she could hit James, a bullet went straight to her forehead. "Jesus Christ, James!" Allen shoved him to the side to check her pulse.

"She's a fucking psycho!"

"ENOUGH. We already made too much noise, we gotta head straight to the mansion." Chris signalled everyone to leave the houses. They all went back to the streets. "Seems like they're hiding." Allen whispered to Carlos. "We're gonna bust that door open. We can't waste time." Chris pointed at Carlos and Wicked. "Kick the door." Allen told Carlos.

"On three Oliveira. One, two..." BAM. The soldiers entered all at once. "Helena!" Leon ran in front of a human sized cauldron. Helena's hands are tied to a chain, hanging above. "Damn, they're really going to cook her?" Wicked laughed. "What a pleasant surprise! Just in time for dinner." An old man walked down the stairs. His eyes are bloodshot red. "My people are waiting so move along or be eaten." He added. Chris glanced at Allen. "Time to shine Oliveira."

The old man was about to pull the lever controlling Helena's chains when three knives landed on his forehead, neck and chest. "What the fuck." The guys covered their mouths while watching the old man slither down the stairs on his own blood. "Good job Oliveira." Chris gave him a pat on the shoulder.

Leon shot the chains and carried her on his back. "We'll cover you!" Just in time they opened the door, torches and makeshift weapons surrounded them. "Shit. We're trapped." Chris ordered them to form a circle. "Do I have to go there?!" Lee shouted through the radio. "Wicked." Chris threw a smoke grenade and Wicked ran towards the cars. Gun shots started to echo. "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Wicked stepped on the accelerator with Lee stationed on the turret.

"To the left!" Wicked told the guys outside to run to that direction. "SO LONG SUCKERS!" RATATATTATAT! Lee fired at the people while Wicked drove through them. They tried to throw their weapons at the car but it was no use. "We're in the car!" Chris told the two. "Oh shit, reloading!" Lee was about to go back to the surface when a sledge hammer cut off the turret. Slightly slashing Lee's arm when he got his hands out. "FUCK! GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE WICKED!"

Wicked stepped on it, driving pass the crazy people. "SHIT. HE'S FAST!" Lee grabbed his shotgun aiming at the  executioner's head. "LEFT!" Wicked turned to the left as the hammer landed on the right. BANG. Lee shot its face but it's still up. "There's a grenade back there! Throw it on one of the pillars!" Wicked shouted while pointing his other hand on Lee's right. Lee dropped the shotgun and reached for the grenade, cooking it. "SPEED UP WICK! GET ME THAT ELECTRICAL POST THERE!" Wicked exceeded speed limit and Lee threw the grenade beside the post. BOOM. The concrete landed on the executioner, blocking the entire way through that place.

"WOOOOO!" Wicked and Lee screamed in joy. "OPEN THE GATES!" James shouted at the soldiers stationed on top of the walls. "MEDIC!" When they got in, the medics immediately grabbed Lee and placed him in a stretcher. His arms are bleeding. After they parked the cars, the double triple gates closed in just a wave of Chris's hand.

"You got a blood sample?" Chris asked Leon. The blonde guy shook his head. "Here." Helena pulled a vial from her pockets. "Good. We're giving that to Dr. Park."

"What were you even doing in that place?" James groaned at Helena. "Your sister again?" Helena nodded. "We'll talk about this the next morning." Chris ordered and everyone went their separate ways.


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