Chapter 5

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Y/n's POV

Taking a stroll isn't a bad idea, right? Afterall, I really gotta muster up the courage to try and be comfy with Carlos. He's here to help! Somehow, I gotta make him feel welcome. Earlier when I woke up, he wasn't in his bunk bed. Hence, it was neatly made. As if he didn't even touch it the entire night!

Dammit, where could he be?

I took my phone out and tried to dial Lilith.

Hi! Sorry I missed your call, just leave a message after the beep.


Maybe she's still asleep. The courtyard is quite eerie to be honest, I could use some company. It's very unusual when all you can see are soldiers loitering around. 


I turned around to see Judith pushing a mop on her side. One of the janitors at our wing. I ran up to her and we both hugged. Her chubby frame engulfing me.

"I swear to God Judi you're a walking marshmallow." I whispered.

She laughed, " And you're a walking stick man..."

I playfully slapped her arm. "Oy, I try to eat a lot during weekends!"

She patted my back and we made our way to the library, its the part where she often replenishes her energy. I spend my time here as well especially during exam season. We walked around until we reached the backside of the library where we get hot drinks for free. We went to a table for two and sat. Just above our heads was a vertical air conditioner.

"Y/n." Judith called out.


"Are you usually this early?" Judi asked as she sips her tea.

I shook my head, " Nope. I needed fresh air. Anddd, I'm taking every little chance I have to go outside before I'm completely isolated in my dorm room."

Just thinking about isolation makes me sick. It's depressing.

Judith noticed the smug look on my face since I saw her place her tea cup back on the table when she was about to sip again.

"You know kid, you're right. You gotta freshen up. Have you tried hitting up the gym? IF you want to?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

I glared at her,"What's with that expression?"

"What? This?" She wiggled her eyebrows again. As if she's teasing me.

I leaned towards her. " far as I know, our gym has been locked up since last year because nobody's using it anyways."

"Or was it now?" She said as she tilted my head to the left with both her hands.

There I saw on the other side of the building. The glass was crystal clear and I saw a guy running on the treadmill. Max speed. I gulped. 

"C-CARLOS?!" I shouted at her, whilst looking at him.

She covered my mouth and tilted my head back towards her.

"Shut up before he notices you sugar." Said Judith.

I gulped hard. "Judith! How could you do this to me?"

Judith ignored me and giggled.

That was the first time I saw Carlos... Shirtless... And these walls aren't SOUNDPROOF!!!

I stood up to leave when Judith waved me off. I can feel a bunch of eyes following me but I didn't mind. I forgot we can't make any noises when we're inside the library.

To be continued...

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