Chapter 33

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"HELLO?! Y/n!"


I signalled Lilith to stay put as I descended the stairs. Aiming my gun ahead. It better be Lance or am I just hearing things. The place was dark but I can see some silhouettes walking around.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder.


"Y/n! Y/n! It's Lance! There's no time to explain, we gotta go!"

I didn't waste time for a conversation and grabbed my stuff and the girls.

"Pass through the stairs outside! It's much faster!"

Lance escorted the girls and I heard Geo and Jackson's voice downstairs. I kissed my place goodbye and left.

"Do you know where to go?!" I heard Lilith shout at Lance.

"Subway station! Getting away from the surface!"

"Where are the others?" Miss Pitt asked Lucas who's driving our car.

"They're with my twin Liam." The blonde answered.

Its good to see they're still alive.

"The virus caused havoc in the city. I don't even think that siren's gonna stop. Captain and the others are currently stationed inside the subways." He added.

Lilith tapped my shoulder and leaned to my ear.

"How about your parents?" She whispered.

Those flashbacks came to me all of a sudden.

"We're gonna make a stop."

Everybody turned to me except for Lucas.

"What do you mean make a stop? In the middle of chaos?!" Geo said in disbelief.

"I'm gonna check on my parents."

Nobody protested.

"Where do I drop you off?" Lucas asked.

"Ennerdale Street. Downtown."


Lucas dropped me off at Cafe 13. A restaurant here in Downtown RC. I remember eating in this place with mom and dad before I left for college.

To hell with Umbrella...

Lilith's POV

"Can I come with her?"

"Jia, it's not safe. Maybe I should—"

"Y/n literally told us that you're staying here." Geo reminded me. "She has a weapon with her and you don't."

"And what if she's surrounded?! Huh?! She needs someone to back her up—"

"I'll go." I switched my gaze from Geo to Lance real quick. "I'll run after her."


"We'll meet you in the subway!" Lance said as he ran to catch up with Y/n.

I poked my head out of the window and shouted at him. "Do me a favor and bring her back in one piece!"

Lance gave me a thumbs up and we left.

Y/n's POV

"You can still change your mind, you know?" I mentioned to Lance who's following my tail.

"I know. But I can't turn back now, can't I?"

I sighed and just give up. There's no point in arguing right now.

"I'm heading to the second floor. You up?"

"No, I'm down."

I can't help but glower at him from behind as he's now climbing up the stairs.

"You better behave." I warned him.

He's already on the top when he turned around.

"Or I'm gonna have to shoot you in face if you get infected by one of those things."

Lance chuckled, swinging the bat he's holding. "Fair enough."


The lights in the whole building are still working. But the rooms are empty. Papers and markers are scattered around the floors. Some pillars have claw marks on them.

"God I hope I don't encounter a licker." I commented and Lance scooted over to me.

"What's a licker?"

I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. "You don't know what a licker is?! The one we saw back at the orphanage?"

Lance bobbed his head. "Oh, so that thing has a name."

"Yeah and if you don't finish your business around here, a licker's gonna come get you."

We both turned around when somebody spoke up behind us. A girl with black short hair, wearing a tube top and shorts that looks like a skirt on the outside,  leaning against the wall. Lighting a cigarette. She had a harness around her body, one for her back, her waist and thigh.

Holy shit! Could it be...

"I think I remember your face." She said as she puffed some smoke and glided towards me.

Lance held his bat high, preparing to hit her. She held my jaw with her left hand, tilting it sideways and upwards.

"What are you doing to her?!" Lance shouted.

The woman gave him a sly smirk and sighed.

"The name's Jill."

I widened my eyes.

"I assume that rings a bell. I'm a former S.T.A.R.S officer."

I covered my mouth in awe. "Jill?! Jill Valentine?! Like the real Valentine?!"

She dropped the cig on the floor and crushed it with her foot.

"Is there a fake one?" She sarcastically laughed.

"I'm Y/n. This is Lance."

"Ah, Y/n Scarrow. Yeah I've seen your face before. I trained with your father. That stubborn old man."

Holy moly I can't believe I'm actually talking to her!

"Anyways," She unholstered her gun and loaded it. "I'm leaving town so I suggest you do the same."

And then she left. Me and Lance watched her make her way out of the building like a pro.

"Damn, you didn't tell me you're popular with the RPD. She's fucking hot!"

I rolled my eyes and opened the door to my dad's office. "It's not my fault I didn't know who you were, I only saw you around campus. Fucking simp."

"Geez... Relax!"

Just my luck...

"They're not here." I mumbled.

Lance lowered his bat and stared at the empty swivel chair. I studied his desk and there, the last thing I wanted to see. My brother's top secret file. On the floor, there's a hafly eaten burger and a dart.
I picked up the glass and examined it.

"Lance take a look at this."

Lance gasped. "Tranquilliser dart."

I bit the insides of my lip. "The building's empty Y/n. I don't think they're still here. I mean, they could be anywhere but here."

"They were taken." I justified. I threw the glass across the room, making him flinch. I rubbed my eyes, stopping the tears from falling. "Let's get the hell outta here."

To be continued..

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