Chapter 25

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Y/n's POV

The monster is now in front of me. Saliva dripping from the sides of its mouth, no skin and eyes. I remained silent. Aiming the gun at its head.

You can do it Y/n, you can do it...

Click. Bang!

I froze when it whimpered like a little puppy. A small hole came out of its head. But its still not down. For a second, its head turned towards my direction.

18 bullets to go...


I hit the head again but this time, it launched towards me. I ran downstairs and shot it's leg.

15 bullets to go..

The thing galloped like a lion, sticking to the walls and the ceiling. "COME ON! YOU FREAKING SON OF A BITCH!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

12 bullets to go and I missed those shots 'cause its running around.

I hid behind the sofa and spotted a gas tank. Bang! 11 rounds left. The monster jumped towards the fire and let out a big shriek. "Serves you right" I dashed to the main door, when I got my hands on the knob, a tentacle grabbed my leg and pulled me upwards.

The gun fell and it slammed me to the main door using its slimy tongue. "You're still alive?!" The licker crawled to me slowly. "No. No. No." I took out my pocket knife and saw my gun lying in the middle of us.

Heh. It's do or die...

The two of us crawled at the same time, I got a hold of my gun the same time the licker toppled me. I continued shooting him whilst stabbing him with the knife on my other hand.

"JUST DIE ALREADY!" The tentacle started choking me and lifted me up in the air again. 9 rounds left... The tentacle moved me closer and closer to the mouth. I kicked and wiggled but its grip on me only gotten worse.

I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die!

The monster lifted one of its legs, ready to scratch me. The adrenaline rush urged me to pull the trigger again, so I shoot the insides of its mouth and head until I ran out of bullets. The tentacle released me and the body slumped to the ground. Blood fell on my eyelash as I dropped to the ground.


Author's POV

"Where the hell is she?!" Carlos shouted.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Carlos was about to run but Lilith stopped him. "Sir! Sir! Y/n can handle it! Please..."

"Are they a thing?"

"Shut up you idiot!"

Lilith and Carlos looked around. Still no sign of Y/n. Save for the infected students swarming the gates of each wing. Sliding their arms between the rails to reach for them.

"Y/N!!!!" Lilith screamed as they saw her running towards the quadrangle.

"What the—" Carlos was too stunned to speak. Y/n was breathless. Her hair's all over her face. There's blood and dirt scattered around her skin and clothes. Her shirt's ripped, exposing some parts of her bra and claw marks etched on her jeans.

"Girl, you look nasty." She whispered to her bestfriend. Y/n glared at her.

Carlos wanted to scold her for the second time but his attention was somewhere else or something else. Tyrell glanced at him, shaking his head afterwards.

Pervert. He thought to himself.

"Hey, are you ok?" one of the jocks asked Y/n.

Y/n panted. "Oh, uh, yeah. I'm fine!"

Carlos stepped in between them, facing the male teenager. "Are you sure you all checked the entirety of the South wing? No more survivors left?"

The student was startled with Carlos's sudden behavior. "Yes. Yes Sir."


Lilith and Tyrell elbowed each other, laughing at Carlos's actions.

"Tyrell, please list the names of all survivors and give it to me before we depart." Captain Mikhail ordered.

"Oy! Glass boy!"

"I have a name."

The other two jocks surrounded the North wing students. "It's Maximus!" Said the blond boy with his aquarium in his arms. The jocks looked at each other and chortled so loud. Annoying the nerd.

"Jesus, Maximus. Don't listen to them." Annie remarked.

"Everyone! Please state your full name and we'll get going."

Y/n's POV

God, I stink. We all do. Lol.

"How are you?" I flinched when I heard Carlos' voice from behind. "Well, aside from shitting my pants, I'm fine."

Carlos nodded. "That's good to hear."

I covered my chest with my sling bag and nervously avoided his gaze.

"Who's this little kid?" Carlos bent down to reach Jia's eye level.

Jia's been holding onto me for awhile now while Mother Amelia's wounds are being treated. A special shoutout to Miss Pitt for being a former nurse before. She's also the one who taught me how to do basic first aid in case of emergency. And I proudly executed it to Mother Amelia!

"Jia... Jia Song." The little girl replied.

Carlos chuckled. "That's a pretty name. I promise you kid, we're gonna keep you safe and sound."

Jia smiled and released herself from hugging me to hug Carlos. She's so sweet!

"Okay! Trucks are good to go. The drivers will be the twins, Captain and Carlos. Please move accordingly." Tyrell said.

Jia ran to Miss Pitt and Mother Amelia, making Carlos turn his attention back to me. He sighed.

"Look, I can explain." I turned to face him, looking eye to eye.

"No need. Just knowing you got out of there in one piece is already an explanation that you saved the nun and the child. But yeah, you're coming with me."

"EHEM. We're about to leave!" Lilith said.

To be continued..

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