Chapter 14 [D-1]

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Y/n's POV

"Lilith, how are we gonna tell Carlos?"

I stared at my phone as I laid on my bed. Sinking myself deeper into the sheets of my mattress.

girl, we need pictures! At the very least.

"How the heck will I be able to leave this place without getting caught?"

Welp, you're the cop's daughter, I'm sure you'll find a way.

I sighed, "its either parkour or sewers, huh? Shit, Carlos is back, I gotta go, I'll think of a way Lili."

geez, ok! Take care! I'll make a map for you. Wait! On second thought—

The door opened wide and Carlos stepped in with a big smile on his face.

"You look happy." I beamed. Tucking my phone under my butt in a hurry.

Carlos threw a fist in the air and removed his vest,"I'm excused! What do you usually do on Mondays?"

I sighed. "I usually go to class but since classes are postponed, I would visit my parents in the city."

Carlos nodded. "Once this is over, we'll go visit your parents at the police station. How does that sound?"

"I'll keep that it mind."

"Since you said your parents are working for the RPD; Is there anything they taught you in particular?" he asked.

"I would tag along whenever my parents are doing an investigation. Sometimes I do the tracking."

My dad doesn't want to leave me alone in the house.

Carlos glanced at his bag and then to me,How about combat?"

I shook my head," They won't let me."

Carlos laughed.

"Oy what's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing."









The power in the whole university went out.

I shivered. "Carlos?!"

"I'm here, I'm here, don't panic."

I felt tingles when he reached for my arm and gave it a little squeeze.

That's reassuring...

"Did the Weather Department ever messaged your cellphones about a possible Typhoon?" he questions.

I shook my head,"they don't give a damn about this university."

I tip-toed towards the window and pushed it open.

"it's drizzling." Carlos followed me.

We both leaned our arms on the window sill and observed our surroundings. The soldiers in charge of the front gate went to the waiting sheds while the others closed the main gates. Some people have started to use their own flashlights to light rhe way.

Suddenly, Carlos's radio sent static noises.

"Oliveira speaking."

"Carlos, the emergency lights. Stay vigilant." 

Corporal RAMBO: UNRAVEL [Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now