Chapter 18 [D-2]

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Author's POV

Second day of Isolation has begun. Contact with civilians outside the university is strictly prohibited unless business is specified. The U.B.C.S Platoon leader Mikhail Victor ordered each and every soldier to keep an eye on their assigned students AT ALL TIMES. Recreational activities are to be done within the vicinity of the Wing you're at. Meal times will only take place inside the cafeteria if one of the higher ups will make an announcement, until then, purchasing snacks are to be done with a soldier by their side.

Furthermore, the library shall serve as shelter for the other soldiers. Morning and night shifts are rotating each day. The gym can still be fully used as is. Blood test schedules are yet to be announced.

"This is so lame." Lilith groaned. "we're stuck here doing absolutely nothing."

"then let's talk about something." I suggested.

She scrunched her nose and sat up from the sofa. Staring at her feet. Tyrell and Carlos are in a meeting with the Principal along with the other higher ups, so Lilith sneaked into my dorm room.

We're both still shaken up prior to the events we encountered yesterday. Heck, my leg bruise still hurts from time to time. I can't walk properly.

"Do you think Mother Amelia is still alive?" Lilith asked.

I smiled. "she's strong and intelligent, I'm certain she is."

Lilith looked up to Mother Amelia as her older sister. From the first time we transfered here to the first time we did volunteer work, Mother Amelia guided us and helped us whenever we're having a hard time. I understand Lilith. The kids there too...poor kids..... Lilith cherished them so much. It must've felt nice to have little kids to look after since she's the only child.

"Does Mother Amelia have a phone?" Lilith said and we bursted out laughing.



Wednesday, 11:47 PM, "The Cruz Residence"

Victim's name: Maya Cruz

(a.k.a Cindy Michael's Bff)

Before the outbreak in the West wing of the university...

The moon was high up. Maya was sitting on her study corner and chatting with Cindy through her laptop. All was well. Just two bestfriends gossiping to each other in the middle of the night.

Cindy: I bought this dress two days ago girl!!

Maya: dayummmm, it suits you!!!

Maya stopped typing when she heard the sound of a door closing outside.

Maya: Cindy, brb.

Maya: I think mom just left their room.

Maya: I gotta check if she needs something.


Cindy: sure! Take care <33

Maya closed her laptop and left her room. While walking towards the hallway, she saw light coming from the kitchen.

"Mom are you hungry? Wanna eat some midnight snacks? Can I join you?" she asked.


Maya covered her mouth when she found her mother pressing a yellow liquid syringe to her arm. Finishing it all. When its done, the adult's body movements stiffed and her neck twisted side to side. Her head spinning until she set her gaze at her daughter. Both her eyes are pure white.

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