Chapter 45

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"We have to find the pharmacy

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"We have to find the pharmacy." Miss Pitt took the lead.

"This place don't look like its infested with zombies." Tyrell commented. "Maybe because this place has been sweeped already." Carlos added.

The three were busy chatting at the front about how quiet and eerie this mall was, you know? Adult conversation. Y/n slowed her pace when she saw a CCTV camera lit and moving. Literally as if its scanning her from head to toe.

Goddammit Timothee is that you?

Timothee's POV [Umbrella Penthouse]


It's been days since I've kept them up here. The only ones allowed to enter is me and the nurse who gives them food. There  on the bed, mom is massaging dad's back. I have to get Y/n as soon as possible.

"Timmy?" Mom stood from the bed and walked up to me. I sense longing in her face, the veins in her eyes turning red. A tear falling down her cheek.

"My son..." She placed her hand on my cheek. The light reflecting on her emerald eyes. "You've grown so much." I laid my hand on hers. "I did." I muttered.

"So it's true. You— ugh."

"Honey!" Mom ran to dad and helped him sit up. "It's ok. As I was saying, Timmy. You work for THEM?" He asked.

I grabbed a vial from my coat and placed it on the table. The T-virus liquid. Dad scoffed. "I'm not taking that."

I sighed, facing them. "Suit yourself. I won't be able to visit for quite some time. I'll be busy." Before I left the room, I peered through my shoulder. "And yes. I work WITH them."


[Umbrella, Sub-control room]

"Initiating Arklay Camera Control."

I sat on the swivel chair and watched. The train stopped at another station while the others are inside the mall. I panned the cameras on the first floor and... Well, well.

Y/n stopped walking, staring at the camera in confusion. I controlled the camera's movements up and down with my hand, making her eyebrows meet.

You've grown a lot too, sis...

They entered a Pharmacy. A seaweed haired girl opening and grabbing medicinal stuffs from drawers and cabinets. I moved closer to the keyboard and turned the volume up a little.

Miss Pitt: OH.MY.GOD.

Carlos: What's with that look?

Miss Pitt: I just got excited, is all.

Tyrell: There's an office right here with metal containers. They seem pretty useful.

Miss Pitt: Does it have a key?

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