Chapter 47

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Author's POV [Umbrella Corp.]

"How's her status Dr. Cameron?"

"The virus was effective sir but after her sister's last visit, she lost control of her mutation. We've doubled the security and hourly check ups."

Wesker nodded. "Good. Keep an eye on her and Miss Harper..."

As usual, his meetings where his only audience are the Doctors and Scientists. The latest test subject, Deborah Harper, Helena's younger sister, well, Wesker took a liking for her. Her blood specifically. His plan to make another bioweapon, however, didn't sit right with Mena. But she didn't mind. Atleast for now. Because her eyes are set on something or someone else.

One of the major Doctors in the company where Mena has her whole attention on. Tall, broad shoulders, brunette, must've been her type. When Timothee entered the room, he rolled his eyes at the sight of her posture. Leaning on the wall, biting her nails and giving the male a seductive glance here and there. Straightening her back and exposing her hips to his direction. Despite the Doctor's girlfriend literally sitting beside him.

It went on and on, for weeks so far and his girlfriend is starting to notice Mena's actions and intentions. Besides, his girlfriend, being the one who is in charge of Mena's weekly "just right" doses of the t Virus, Hence, she came up with a nasty plan. Altering her doses to too much or too little. Giving her the wrong types of virus until it all mixed up in in her and her system can't contain it anymore.

[Sub-Control Room]

Timothee and Jake were lazing around. There's not much to do anyways. They were just staring at the screens when a warning flashed.

"Bioweapon Detected."



"Bioweapon Detected."


"Mena." Timothee said to Jake and they dashed out to the corridor. "Where is she?!" Jake took his gun out and some employees and soldiers ran pass them. "Miss Seagrave's chambers!"

There at the end of the hallway, two soldiers were pinned to the wall by feather darts. Blood trickling down to the floor. "Jesus Christ." Jake covered his mouth at the sight of it.

"GET OFF ME." Mena's voice roared as another soldier came flying out of the room, shattering the glass wall behind them. "Damn! She looks different!" Jake and Timothee took a peek. Half of her body's filled with scales. Sparkling but bloody. Her back's fully exposed with overgrown wings with colorful feathers. And her right leg's like that of an eagle while her left is still human legs. The furnitures inside were disarranged and there's blood splats on the wall.

She threw another set of darts coming from her claws making the two evade and sheild themselves with the wall. "She feisty!" Jake was about to point his gun at her but Timothee stopped him. "Sir! These are the antidotes!" A doctor gave Timothee the syringe gun.

Timothee missed his shot when Mena hit it with her wing. Sending the liquid flying in the air. "She looks dull." Jake stiffled a laugh.

"How many did you bring?" Timothee asked the doctor holding the case. "Just two sir. This is the last one." Timothee scowled. "WHAT IS GOING ON?"

All of them stepped aside once they heard Wesker's voice. Mena didn't move from her spot but she's growling at him. "If this doesn't work, kill her." Wesker grabbed the antidote and gun to aim at her. Mena unleashed several darts again but it only fell to the ground. Wesker smirked as he fired the antidote straight to her neck.

Mena was stunned and started to shriek in pain. Her wings slowly folding itself back in her and her right leg turning to human legs. Her eyes closed as she fainted. The doctors quickly came inside and wrapped her slimy naked body in a towel.

"Who is in charge of her dose?" Wesker asked as he turned towards the other doctors. "Miss Laurel, sir. One of the nurses. She left 7 hours ago." Wesker adjusted his shades and left the room. "Find her and finish her off." The soldiers marched with him out of the hallways.


Hours later, Mena woke up inside the 'white room' in which Wesker calls it. Her left hand is cuffed to the wall and there's a big glass in front of her, separating her from the other side. Dr.Knox, her crush and Miss Laurel's ex came in, holding a brief case with the T-virus inside. The correct amount of her dose and the correct type of virus.

Mena looked at him in the eye and moved her sleeve up. Knox injected the liquid and lowered her sleeve. Her blood levels went back to normal and what shocked the employees and soldier oustide the room....

Doctor: Tears?

Nurse: She cried sir. She cried!

Knox left the room and everybody was looking at him in disbelief. That was the first time they saw her cry. Her face was filled with emotions, not your usual Mena. Mena couldn't hold back because, it's what she wanted. Love. But fate didn't settle the timeline for them. Especially since she's one of Wesker's priced possessions, it's not that easy to mingle with employees UNDER Umbrella. And you being a bioweapon at that.


Author's Note

Hello. I just wanted to say that there's no set timeline here, what I mean is let's put the RE timeline aside for awhile cuz we're gonna make our own.

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