Chapter 55

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Y/n's POV

It's been days since that conversation and I've been avoiding Carlos and the others, often times I would just spend my time in my bed or with Jia. Right now I'm eating dinner with the usual faces, Jia told me earlier that she saw Helena crying inside Chris's office. Leon was rubbing her back to comfort her while the other male talked to her. I was about to take another spoonful of veggies when I heard a loud commotion on the table beside us.

Soldier: Yo, did you hear? The trio tortured Deborah again!

Soldier: Helena and Leon saw the girl kneeling behind her, she was holding her chin while her other hand had a knife to her sister's neck.

Soldier: Mena right? I heard she slit her throat.

"She did that?" Tyrell asked. Don't they know I can hear them?

Soldier: Yeah she did while that Timothee was wrecking Deborah's mind and Jake was standing on the corner, watching the scene.

Soldier: Helena also said that before Mena slit Deborah's throat, she told her 'Take a look at your sister one last time' and her eyes were burning red!

Soldier: Geez man, in front of my salad?

A set of citizens entered the canteen, blocking my sight of almost everyone so I took the chance to blend in. Shoving the food tray in the corner and leaving that place. Carlos was in that table so I had to make a diversion. I pulled my hood over my head to avoid any unnecessary attention. Rumors spread fast around here and there's nothing I can do about it. I climbed the flight of stairs leading to the highest peak of the stadium overlooking the outside. God, I can't wait for spring!

Author's POV

After dinner, Miss Pitt couldn't find Y/n in their room. Just in time Carlos was walking around the hallways. "Carlos! Carlos! Wait!"


"Y/n's missing!" Carlos raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"I'm gonna check this side, you go there on the other."

Carlos got a little nervous that he even mistaken a snowman figure for Y/n. He knows pretty damn well how reckless she can get especially when she's filled with emotions she can't control. Carlos noticed the time's already past 10 yet the gates for the highest floor is still open. It's just used for night and day patrols and sniper range. "OK, now the fun shit begins." Carlos slowed down when he heard a heavy sigh. "Gotcha." Y/n didn't budge. He sat on the wooden stool beside her and looked at the landscape outside of the roofless stadium. "You know, I think you should stay away from me. It's dangerous, I'm dangerous."

"Woah, easy lady, why the hell would I do that?" Carlos scooted closer. "Don't listen to them Y/n. It's your sibling not you."

"Still." Y/n stood up and was about to run away but a hand firmly gripped her arm and spun her around. "Hey, I'm not gonna let you leave without knowing you'll have a good night's sleep. You gotta lighten up!"

"I'm a monster Carlos." "They're wrong, alright? I don't see you that way!" Y/n sat on the ledge. Burying her face into Carlos's chest. "Take deep breaths. You hear my heartbeat? Just listen to that. You can also hit me if you want to, I'd take it all until you feel a lot better." Carlos inhaled and exhaled while she nudged her nose against the thick fabric of his jacket. "And it's not like you're gonna slit my throat right now." Y/n chuckled. "See? Now look at me." She lifted her head while Carlos cupped her cheeks. Slightly squeezing them. "You're going to be fine, supercop. Like I said," He leaned his face a little. "I'm not gonna leave you in a cold, cruel, Carlos-less world."

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