Chapter 16 [D-1]

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Carlos' POV [Earlier that day]

The rooftop's clear. Emergency lights are already beaming and the rain stopped.

"I pressed on my earpiece. "Tyrell , do you know how long this power shortage will last?"

"Three days."

I sighed. Well, let's not idly sit here and wait for miracles to come and just go down to Y/n...

I left the rooftop and jogged towards room 157.

Hmmm, what should we have for dinner? I hope Y/n's not tired or something...

"I'm back—"

When I opened the door, the window was fully open and the curtain was slightly moving due to the wind. The lights are off. Y/n was nowhere to be found. It's empty.


"hey what's wrong?"

"Y/n's not here. I'm gonna check the higher floors."

"should I call for back up?"

"three soldiers. Search the whole goddamn area ASAP."

I closed the door and ran towards the corridor where I heard something. The earrings I saw must've belonged to her. I looked at the pile of boxes and then to the windows.

You're good at tracking Y/n, but the trails you leave are too obvious...

Her moves were silent so I didn't notice. I gotta check the whole dormitory.


"Any sign of them?" Tyrell asked.

We're standing in the courtyard while the three soldiers are patrolling. It's already dark.

I shook my head," Who do you think she's with?"

Tyrell shrugged. "Maybe her bestfriend? You know, the girl with red hair?"


Tyrell and I looked at each other.


Tyrell and I ran back inside to find where the voice is coming from.

"That doesn't sound like Y/n—"


"Change of plans. Everyone to the janitor's area!"

"Are they buried under ground?!" shouted Tyrell.

"They're under the broken brick wall connecting the basement to the janitor's area, Tyrell, get your laptop." I ordered while running.

Tyrell nodded and left. We ran and ran until we saw four hands pushing the lid open. The three soldiers swiftly pulled it and I grabbed the nearest arm I could.


I let go of the first girl and grabbed Y/n's hand. Something's holding her down.


I saw red tentacles wrap itself on Y/n's left leg and another one and another one. Ain't the first time I saw that.

"SHOOT THOSE FUCKERS OUT!" I yelled at the three soldiers.

They started firing at the kids and the tentacles went loose. I got Y/n out and they closed the lid immediately and covered it with metal crates.

I quickly checked on Y/n's leg,"Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!"

"I'm fine, I'm fine."she said while trying to get up.


Y/n's POV

I was expecting this. Considering how I didn't ask for permission to leave. Outside.

I stood on my feet and faced him head on.

"I NEEDED to be somewhere."

"Then where the fuck is that somewhere?" he asked.

The room fell silent.

"We can talk about this later—"

Carlos blocked my way with his buff body. "NO. Y/N. You LEFT without telling me where the hell you're going! Is that why you asked for a flashlight?!"


"What the heck Y/n—you—first you didn't ask for permission, second, you lied to me. Third, you entered a restricted area."

Carlos glanced at Lilith and back to me." Who's idea was this?"

"Well uhh—" Lilith stuttered.

"IT WAS MINE." I cut her.

Lilith widened her eyes and Carlos massaged his temples.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He ran his hand through his face in pure exasperation.

This guy...



"Hey what's going on—" Tyrell entered the room and halted immediately.

"I wanted to prove something!"

" Prove what?! Prove that you're good at getting everybody else in danger?!"

I glared at him." You don't understand because you're ignorant!"

"You're being ignorant about the rules Y/n! What were you even thinking?!"

"Guys, guys it's already 7:30 PM, we don't wanna alert the other students so let's take this somewhere private." Tyrell said.

The soldiers left and Tyrell assisted Lilith. Carlos sighed and placed my arm around his shoulder to help me walk. My left leg's numb.

"You better not do it again—"

"I don't want to talk right now." I grumbled.

Carlos sighed and grabbed my other arm, sliding me on top of his back.

"Let me down!!"

Carlos ignored me and continued to walk. He put me down when we reached the elevator. Tyrell and Lilith followed too.

"What's your name little one?" Tyrell turned towards Lilith.

"Lilith. Lilith Parker, sir"

Tyrell nodded and typed something in his laptop.

"From now on, Tyrell will be assigned to you." Carlos proclaimed.

"And once we get there, we'll be asking the two of you some questions. Understood?" asked Carlos.

We both nodded and remained silentthe whole trip.

To be continued..

Corporal RAMBO: UNRAVEL [Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now