Chapter 9

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Y/n and Carlos just arrived at the uni when Y/n got Lilith's call. She immediately ran towards the greenhouse and saw Lilith sitting there alone. Pale.

"Lilith!" She cried as she wrapped her arms around the redhead.

"What on earth were you doing?! Is that why you're not responding to my messages? God I was so worried about you!"

Lilith was just staring at her. She wanted to utter some words but her throat says otherwise. Y/n took Lilith's hanky and wiped the sweat off her face. When both their attentions were caught to someone suddebly clapping their hands.

"WOW. Wow. What a splendid reunion I must say." Nicholai remarked. "But what time is it?" He checked his wristwatch and clicked his tongue. "Its 9 PM"

Y/n helped Lilith stand up and they walked closer to Nicholai.

"You two should be in your respective rooms. Come on, come on." He adds. 

Why is he in such a hurry? Y/n thought.

Nicholai walked at the front with the two following from behind. Once they were at the entrance to the building, Carlos and Tyrell were on their way inside too.

"What happened here?" asked Carlos.

"These two were at the greenhouse." answered Nicholai.

"I'm heading to bed."  whispered Lilith. Her head hung low.

"Already? You haven't had dinner yet! And we bought some groceries for—" Y/n didn't get to finish her sentence because Lilith ran for the elevator. 

"What's wrong Y/n?" Carlos asked.

"You see, she went to the or—"

"They were just hanging out in the greenhouse." said Nicholai.

Y/n groaned. "She was running when I called—"

"They were having a chit-chat in the greenhouse." Nicholai cut her off again.

Y/n glared at Nicholai in disbelief.  The said man looked at them one last time and headed for the elevator as well. Carlos stepped closer to Y/n and was about to put his arm around her shoulder but Y/n smacked his hand.

"Personal space. OK. I get it. Let's go." said Carlos.

"You guys go on ahead. I'll finish this first." Tyrell mentioned while holding his laptop.

Carlos patted Tyrell's shoulders and added," Stop by for dinner." 

Tyrell nodded and everybody went seperate ways.

Y/n's POV

"Sorry about that. Everybody's just worked up lately." Carlos reassured me while we're in the elevator.

He didn't have his rifle with him today. Just the walkie-talkie and hand gun. 

I sighed.

"Sorry. About earlier. I couldn't handle it." I uttered.

Carlos gave me a cheeky smile and took something out of his pockets.

"Want some?" he asked. Waving a mint-flavored candy in front of my face. 

Without hesitation, I took one and ate it.

Tyrell's POV

"Nicholai, what the hell did you do?" I asked.

"What? They're teenagers! They don't know how to control their emotions!" Exclaimed Nicholai.

I massaged my temples. It's been hectic lately but there's really something suspicious about him.

"They tend to burst out when they don't get what they want. They're kids! " He added." Just forget about it."

He took his gun and jacket, left the Control room just like that.

That guy can be a real deal sometimes...

Y/n's POV

Carlos went ahead. I stopped by Lilith's room since its close. Mine is 157 and hers is 161.

"Lil, its Y/n. Can we talk?" I said.

No answer.

" I'll talk to you in the morning, ok? Eat something before you go to sleep."

On the way to my room, I bumped into Tyrell. He was carrying a box with him. I unlocked the door and the smell of fresh stew welcomed us. 

It's been a long time since I've had a decent meal. Heck, my mom would kill me is she finds out I only eat junk food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But not today, I guess?

"Yo, Carlos, you cooking?" shouted Tyrell.

Carlos took a peek from the kitchen,"You two are gonna love this!" he said proudly with a wink.

Tyrell laughed and placed the box he's carrying on the vacant seat in the dining room.  I set up the table with plates and stuff and Carlos brought the pot. 

The steam oozing out of it reminds me of home.

The three of us settled down and started to dig in.

9:30 PM

I should try to bring Lilith some food. But how do I get in?

"I should try lock-picking." I muttered.

"Hey hey hey, check this out. Miss Pitt had the students write some letters for the U.B.C.S" said Tyller.

Carlos grinned. "I'll be damned, who's gonna read first?"

Tyrell shrugged, "ladies first?"

To be continued..

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