Chapter 53

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(Umbrella Corporation)

"Did someone see you?" Mena asked the three male doctors in front of her. Dr. Knox included. "No ma'am." They answered in unison. "Good." A nurse entered the room and stood beside Mena. "I expect that no word shall leave this place, do you understand?" The nurse went to the side to prepare something. "I want you to give me, each of you," She lifted her fingers. "Three things. Sperm, saliva and blood."


"NO BUTS." Mena's eyes flared. "Wesker's orders." The nurse smirked. "Hand it over within this hour."


Mena lifted her arms while the nurses help her undress. "Put the clothes in the side ladies." The female doctor guided Mena to the hospital bed. Mena glanced to her right and another woman laid there too, asleep with her hands and feet chained to the ceiling. "You ready?" The doctor started wearing her gloves. Mena nodded. "Now sleep." Mena stared at the bright light on top of her, casually blinking her eyes. "How is she?" The Doctor asked the nurses while checking the other woman. "The surrogate is already prepped Doc." The voices started to fade as Mena drifted to sleep.


The next day in Safe Haven, Y/n, Miss Pitt and Liam visited the infirmary. Chris and Claire are sitting close to Helena's bed. The door's wide open with Jill leaning against the wall outside, smoking. The room wasn't that full. "And I didn't see Deborah after that." Helena wiped her tears the same time she looked at Y/n. "It can't be.." She squinted her eyes. "What's wrong?" Leon held her shoulder. The sight of her younger sister flashed in her head. Helena swiftly grabbed the hand gun on Chris's side pocket and aimed it at Y/n. "Woah, woah, slow down Helena!" Chris was gonna grab the gun but she shoved him away. "What the hell is this all about?!" Carlos raised his arms in the air while shielding Y/n with his body. "Why is she here?!" Helena pulled the safety trigger off. "Yo, we gotta calm down." Tyrell moved a little but Claire blocked him with her gun. 

"What is she doing here?!" Helena shouted with tears in her eyes. Jill dropped the cig on the floor and stepped on it. Aiming two guns, one to Y/n and the other to Helena. "Would you two kindly explain what the fuck is wrong with you?! Why are you shouting all of a sudden?!" Jill said. Helena glared at Y/n. "She looks like him. That man. YOUR BROTHER!" Y/n froze. "What are you talking about Helena?" Chris stepped in between. "Timothee Scarrow, does that ring a bell?" Helena cursed under her breath. "Her brother is a bioweapon. He tortured us when we were taken." Everybody looked at Y/n. "She's dangerous!"

Miss Pitt slammed the table. "She's not! I've been her class adviser for five fucking years and she couldn't even hurt a fly!" 

"There's a monster behind that beautiful face! The virus doesn't even work on her!" After Helena said that, Y/n dashed out of the infirmary. " Y/N! YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY!" Miss Pitt pointed at Helena's face before running after the young one. Chris massaged his temples. "Is everything ok?" Lilith suddenly took a peek inside. "Claire, please close the door behind you." Chris said and Claire closed the door after leaving with Lilith. "Give me the gun Helena." Everybody lowered their guns and Chris signaled them to sit and calm down. 

"Before we talk about anything else, Helena, what is going on?" Chris focused his gaze on her. "Her brother's one of them." She pursed her lips. "Unholy Trinity?" Leon asked. "He's one of Wesker's many creations." Helena added. "Then what does that gotta do with Y/n?" Carlos asked. "Want a little backstory?" Jill sat on a chair in the center, crossing her legs and arms. "You knew all along and yet you didn't tell me?" Helena groaned. "Well, you said it yourself, 'I don't wanna talk about it'." Jill rolled her eyes. "Spill it Jill." Chris commanded. "Fine."

"Nathan Scarrow, one of the chief commanding officers of S.T.A.R.S. He would often bring that little girl to the RPD station to watch us train. But after what happened to S.T.A.R.S, he became a normal police still in RPD, I don't know if he maintained his rank but anyways, her mother is also an RPD but a low ranking one. Usually does paperwork. Her name is Venice Veronica Scarrow. Just before I stumbled upon Safe Haven, I heard the older one went missing shortly after graduating from the same university that little girl goes to." 

"They didn't even start an investigation?" Chris raised his eyebrows. "They did. But everything about him was erased. He disappeared like bubbles. That's all I know." Chris sighed. "Then why is he dangerous?" Lucas sat up. "It's an experiment, basically, if the virus doesn't infect you, it makes you special. Ask Doctor Park. He used to be in Umbrella." Helena answered while softly sobbing. "He happened to be there, that Timothee. He did something to us that made our minds go berserk." 

"Damn, does that mean, during that whole train ride, we had a person who can be a potential monster?!" Liam exclaimed making everyone look at him. "Sorry." 

"What the hell, this is a lot to take in." Tyrell exhaled. "I'm gonna need coffee." He stood up and left. "No smoking in the infirmary Valentine." Chris pointed at the sign next to the door. "Aight." Jill stood up as well and walked outside while holding her lighter. "A blizzard's about to come Captain." A soldier said through Chris's radio. "Roger that. Tell the citizens to move their activities indoor and secure their stations." 

"I'm going to my room." Helena left with Leon following her. "Hey." Chris sat beside Carlos. The younger male was just staring at the floor in silence. His hands on his knees. "Don't worry about Helena. Her sister's just a college student like Y/n so things got a little heated." 

 Carlos rubbed his eyes. "I understand her side of the story it's just," He ran his fingers through his hair. "I just hope this thing doesn't change how you view Y/n." 

"Oh no no no! Umbrella's the one to blame for this." Chris patted his back and stood on his feet. "I'm sure Dr. Park has answers for your questions, Carlos. Don't hesitate to ask." 


P.S I edited chapter 47 hahaha, I just realized Its Deborah not Barbara, sorry for the mistake. It's been so long since I played RE6. 

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