Chapter 60

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Author's POV

The next day, Annie didn't go out in the fields to train. She wanted to but her glasses are broken. Its lenses are smashed real good like a broken mirror. "Zenya is really good at fist fights." She mumbled. "So much for making you proud." Annie picked up her dad's RPD I.D from her wallet and caressed it. "Miss Lennox." Annie jolted from her seat and saw a figure next to the door. "My eyes are a bit blurry, can't see well." Eve sighed and entered to sit beside her. Gently rubbing her back. "James is looking for you." Annie closed her eyes in exasperation. "You two are going somewhere." 

"You're so straight to the point." Annie replied, attempting to see the older female's face clearly but to no avail, nothing happened. It's like there's a filter she can't remove. "Come on. Let's not waste time. I'll bring you to him." 


The whole ride was silent and Annie didn't know where they're going. Well, aside from the fact that she didn't care. James is driving with her beside him up front. "Can you please stop?" Annie said making him sigh. "One day you're being this flirty and caring type and then the next day you're hurting me, what the hell is that?" James gripped tight on the wheel and took a quick glance at her. "My whole entire life, I've dedicated it to the B.S.A.A, no relationships or anything. I had no prior knowledge to that Annie, you're the only one who broke down these walls."

"Does this got something to do with our age?" Annie asked while opening the window beside her allowing the breeze to shake her hair. "We're here." James parked the car beside a pillar. Annie didn't budge until her side of the car door opened and a hand helped her get out. "I can do this by myself." James remained silent and didn't let go of her hand, dragging her with him inside the mall. Abandoned mall. Neither of the two spoke after that and just walked and walked until they've reached an Optic store. James checked the surroundings and it's clear since the others have already patrolled this area. James placed her hand on a rack and a gasp left her mouth as she caressed a row of glasses. "Tell me when you find anything." James said as he looked around too. 


Back at Safe Haven. "Here it is." Chris removed a couple of branches here and there, revealing a metal lid that has an underground passageway. "This leads to the harbor. There are ships waiting that can take us to the other city just in case something happens. We haven't used this yet since we've never really evacuated but we never know." 

Carlos and Tyrell used their flashlights to see a ladder leading down. "How many are there?" Carlos asked. "One ship and some ferry boats." 

"It's quite a stretch. What happens once they've evacuated?" Tyrell closed the lid. "I will light a flare and detonate the bombs to close the entrance and the entirety of the tunnel." 

After their little conversation, Chris walked up to the Prairie view. The tarpaulin plastered all over the walls so you can imagine you're seeing a 'prairie'. 

Old Citizen: How are you young man?

A group of old guys with hunched backs and mahogany canes welcome Chris with a toothless smile. "I should be asking you that kind sir. Everything alright?" 

Old Citizen: Yes, Yes. Do not bother. 

Old Citizen: It's that woman over there. She's sad. 

Chris turned his head t the left and saw Miss Pitt alone, looking at something in her hand whilst sobbing. "Thank you. I'll check up on her." 

Old Citizen: Ok ok. 

Old citizen: Women are so emotional! 

Chris slowly approached her. "I miss you so much mom. I wish I met you sooner." She said as her cries grew harder. "Hey." He sat on the table. "Oh shit." Miss Pitt wiped her face and hid the picture in her wallet. "Hey, hey, don't fret. I'm just checking up on things, you alright?" Miss Pitt sighed. "It's just the spur of a moment." 

"I see. Do you wanna talk about it?" Miss Pitt shook her head. "Alright. I heard you've been promoted to Doctor by Dr. Park." 

Her cheeks blushed a little. "yes. It's a great achievement." 

"Did you study in the medical field before?" Chris grabbed a chair and sat close to her. "I did. I was a nurse. It went on for two and a half years until my colleagues started to backstab me for knowing lots of things when it comes to Medicines and stuff that I ended up quitting my job. Until I saw Y/n. that sweet little girl who passes through downtown with her parents." 

Chris smiled. "And then?" 

"I found a job as an adviser in the university outside of RC so I applied. I handled Y/n's batch for years until that incident came." She sighed. "But, hey, you saved countless of lives. Lighten up." 

"Chris!!!! I need you!!!!" Claire shouted from below. "Aight. That's my cue to leave. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask, hmm?" 


Inside the meeting room in Umbrella Corporation. "Sir, with Mena gone, are we to divide her dose of T-virus to Sir Timothee and Sir Jake?" A female scientist asked. Everyone turned their heads to the leader except Timothee and Jake. Timothee's busy massaging his hands against the table while Jake is eating an apple using his knife. "Not yet." Wesker answered, making the other two look at him in an instant. "What do you mean not yet?" Everybody looked at Jake. "What? Why?" He lifted his apple and knife and shrugged slightly. 

"I have other prospects I would like to try." Wesker answered and continued on with the meeting. Timothee couldn't read the older male's mind so he was in fact clueless about Wesker's plan. His 'prospect'. "You may leave." Wesker said and the employees left one by one. Timothee remained seated as Wesker approached his side of the table. Timothee looked up to him. "I want to get to know your sister MORE, Timothee." 

Timothee's eyes widened. "I'm assigning you on a mission to bring her here. Dismissed, both of you!" Jake stood up, throwing the remains of the apple in the trash can before leaving. Timothee was left completely dumbfounded. That was the first time his expression changed from stoic to scared. He felt like the four cornered room's slowly swallowing him in his misery. 



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