Chapter 50

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Author's POV

The next day, Chris walked to the quadrangle with some soldiers for a huddle with the citizens of Safe Haven. It amazes him how energized the people are at any time of the day, specifically those from Arklay. "Alright, listen up!" Chris sat on the mini stage while his people gathered around him on the grass. "Last night, we've gathered survivors, I believe you've seen them. And when I woke up,  I've come to a conclusion that we haven't had a proper celebration these past few months.  I understand that we're busy with a lot of things but it's December and of course, Christmas." A woman on the back cheered making Chris chuckle. "I want you all to prepare for a festivity until the end of December."

The citizens roared in excitement. "YAYYYY!" Chris yawned. "Claire's still snoring upstairs but feel free to come to her if you have any questions 'cause I really don't know anything about these kinds of stuff. Good morning and have a nice day, you're all dismissed."

Jia's POV

"Teacher Maximus is it snack time already?" I tugged on his shirt. "Yes Jia, go on. Eat a lot. Shoo." I grinned at him and ran outside with my friends. It feels nice to go to school!

Kid 1: Jia! Let's get some food and sit on the quadrangle!

I nodded and ran with them to the canteen.

Kid 3: Why is everyone busy?

Kid 2: It's Christmas!

Kid 1: What is that?

"Kids! Here's your snack and don't forget to grab your drinks on the counter next to us, okay?" The chef said.


I hugged my paper bag and bowed to the chef.

Kid 2: What's your favorite flavor, Jia?


"I want peach!"

Kid 2: Ok!

She gave me a bottle with juice in it. "Jia!" Before we left the building, I turned around to see Mother Amelia running towards me. "Good morning Mother Amelia!" The kids greeted her. Mother Amelia put her hand on her chest to catch her breath. "Good morning to you too! Oh and Jia, wait a sec." She rummaged through her pockets. "I need to tie that hair of yours."

Kid 3: Her hair is so pretty!

Kid 2: I know right?

"There. Be careful ok? Don't run!" Mother Amelia patted my back and we ran to the quadrangle. "I said no running!" We heard her shout.

It feels so much better to be outside of the orphanage.

We gathered around the grass with a picnic mat for us to sit on.

Kid 4: Where are we gonna go after this?

Kid 2: I dunno, maybe tour Jia around?

Kid 3: Yeah! Let's bring her to the 'seeng glass'!

Seeing glass?

Kid 1: Are you sure we're still allowed?

Kid3: Outside of the glass, not inside.

Kid 1: But!

Kid 2: Stop! Let's focus on Jia.

Kid 4: how old are you?


Kid 3: wow, you're older than me.

Kid 4: where are your parents?

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