Chapter 67

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"Y/n!!!" Miss Pitt and the parents ran towards the cockpit. "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" The BSAA guys finally came out and what shocked Timothee is how Carlos quickly ran to Y/n, removed his winter coat and wrapped it around her body despite the sticky slime engulfing her figure and a little steam oozing out of it. Then Carlos carried her bridal style. "Stay away! They're dangerous!" Chris said while pointing his gun at Timothee." Please!" Veronica stepped in between. "They're our children!" While they talked, Wicked slipped through the side where the pedestals were and started checking out guns and...stealing them.

"Woahhh, this is dope!" He exclaimed while aiming a sniper rifle. "Of course and Wicked-" Chris stared at Wicked who's already holding on to more than five guns and five more on his back. "Right. We're taking him with us." He pointed at Jake who's already back to his normal form. "The cars are ready and we've already cleared the area and well, the whole arena's wiped out." Everyone looked at Y/n's weave that penetrated the glass.

Throughout the whole ride, Carlos didn't move or release Y/n from his arms. Veronica and Nathan are starting to notice that there's something going on between them. The gates of Safe Haven opened and everybody went separate ways. It's the last day of December. Chris immediately called Dr. Park and Y/n was brought to his office for privacy. Meanwhile, Jake was placed inside the dungeons. "Nice." Jake grinned while looking around the cozy little room.

James scoffed. "Well, you're gonna give me food, right?" The younger male asked. "Yeah." James answered. "Arlight." Jake slightly shrugged as just went to sleep with only his pants on.


Carlos sat on a chair beside Y/n's hospital bed. Gently caressing her damp hair and admiring her sleeping face after so long. "I've missed you." He whispered. Rubbing his thumb on her right cheek as a tear fell from his eye. Dr. Park entered followed by Timothee, Chris and the parents. Dr. Park signalled Carlos to leave and he did. Veronica sat on the chair Carlos previously occupied. "Did she transform?" Dr. Park asked while preparing a test kit. "She did." Timothee answered. "Long time no see Dr." He added. Dr. Park laughed. " I guess fate really brings people to different places."

Nathan sat beside Tim on the couch. " Mr. and Mrs. Scarrow, my men have prepared a room for the two of you." Chris told them. Veronica sighed. " Was my daughter a good girl?" Chris chuckled. " To be honest, ma'am, she passed all of the training courses and handled her patrol service well. She's strong-willed." Veronica smiled. " I told her that she can move in due time." Dr. Park said as he stood up and walked over to the other side of Y/n's bed. " She wanted to find you guys as soon as possible, despite the risk." He tapped the syringe and injected it on her arm, drawing blood. Before anyone could speak, the door busted open and in came the red head. "Y/N!!!!" Lilith bent down to hold her bestfriend's face. "You're back! Oh my God, I thought I lost you!" She cried out and she turned her head to the side and saw Veronica smiling at her. "Auntie!!!" Lilith hugged the older female.

Veronica rubbed her back. "You're grown up now!" Veronica laughed as Lilith released from the hug. Then more people came inside, mostly her schoolmates. "HOLY SHIT." Maximus ran to Y/n's bed. "Is she dead?!" Julianne slapped his arm. "She's not!" "Oh thank the heavens."

Tyrell entered and whispered something to Chris. "Alright. Mr. and Mrs. Scarrow, there's food delivered to your room." Nathan stood up. "We'll be back son. Your mother needs rest." He hugged Timothee before leaving the office with his wife. Carlos came back in. "Kids, privacy." Chris said and the students left except Lilith. Chris closed the door behind him. Timothee leaned back on the couch. Casually glancing at the redhead talking to his sleeping sister. "Look." Dr. Park showed his computer where the T virus bonded with Y/n's blood under the microscope. Carlos sat on the chair and sighed. "She'll wake up in two to three days. Her body is still adjusting." Timothee blurted out.

"Parker, someone's looking for you." Lilith turned to Chris and saw Claire waving at her from outside. "Ok. Y/n, I'll come visit you when I have the time." Lilith kissed Y/n's forehead and left.


*My app keeps on crashing dammit. I really want to upload the pics for Y/n's transformation but it won't publish, it's starting to piss me off. I'll try some other time.

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