Chapter 22 [D-Day]

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Y/n's POV [12:00]

"Lilith, don't move."  I said.

Lilith's just two steps close to the 9th floor when we saw an infected student kneeling on the ground not too far from her.

Lilith gripped hard on the railing while Carlos took baby steps ahead of her. He asked something from Lilith and she gave him her hanky-turned-bandana. Carlos sneaked up to the infected and wrapped the bandana around its face. The infected struggled, letting out muffled groans and snarls. Carlos tightened his grip on the piece of cloth and got on one knee for more force. The student took its final breath fell to the floor.

Tyrell took the lead and Carlos on the back. So far, that was the first one we've encountered.

How the hell did this happen so fast?

"It's blocked."

The four of us turned around and saw Harrani. Her hand holding her left arm and its bleeding a lot. I ran to her to help her but she waved her hands as if she's warning me not to get close to her.

"I'm... I'm infected. Way before this shit happened, so don't... Don't come near me." she said. Her voice wavering.

Tyrell pointed his gun towards her but Carlos covered the muzzle with his palm.

"The students on this floor blocked the elevator and stairs with beds and cabinets, it'll take forever to remove them. They only use the emergency route or air vents." Harrani explained.

"Ok, ok, where's the emergency route?" Lilith asked.

Harrani titlted her head to the right and we saw a red metal door with a fire extinguisher beside it.

"We'll pass through there then, but don't you want something for that wound?" Carlos asked.

Harrani shook her head,"No. The virus is helping me fight it. Let's go before it completely takes over me."

We ran to the metal door and Harrani punched the glass. Pulling the fire extinguisher out. She hit the door knob with it and we got in.

Lilith's POV

"How are you holding up?" I asked.

Harrani's following behind us. Hissing here and there. Sometimes bumping the wall, trying to regain her balance.

"Just shut up and move Parker." she snapped.

I chuckled. She's been my mortal enemy since the Student Council Election. All she wanted was fame and she got it. She neglected her responsibilities and now our wing is the most infamous.

Damn, this university left a lot of lessons...

We're halfway through the route when one of the windows behind us made a sound. Harrani stepped closer to it and it had a crack. Getting bigger and bigger... Until it shattered.

Carlos and Tyrell shoved us to the side and aimed their guns down the window. No sign of infected except for Harrani.


Everybody shifted their gaze to Harrani and she's kneeling on the floor, spitting out blood.

"the... Noise. They're, c-coming..."

Suddenly, we heard shrieking and growling coming from the door we entered earlier.

I took Harrani's hand and slid her arm around my shoulder. The door opened and zombies piled up. Racing their way towards us.

"GO! GO! GO!" Carlos shouted.

We had no choice but to run. The two guys were shooting the infected while sprinting. Y/n took the lead.

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