Chapter 6

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I looked up and saw Harrani and her minions. She was wearing a long sleeved crop top. This is the first time I saw her wearing long sleeved tops but who cares?

They're hitting the gym.  I glanced at the treadmill and Carlos wasn't there anymore. I sighed. Moving along, I decided to ask permission from Miss Pitt if I can go grocery shopping.

I inhaled and exhaled. The smell of blood and fire lessened. The U.B.C.S isn't that bad afterall. I underestimated them.

I made my way towards the elevators once I got to the main building. Glancing on my phone, it's already 6:45. I sighed as I pressed on the 10th floor.





I put my phone back on my pocket as I searched for Miss Pitt.

"Are you Miss Y/n?" A soldier asked.

I nodded, "I'm looking for Miss Pitt. Is she here?"

The soldier pointed his rifle towards the faculty office so I followed his instructions. I knocked three times and entered.

"Good morning! Is Miss Pitt here?" I asked and everybody greeted too.

"Y/n! You're up early" shouted Miss Pitt.

Jogging my way to her, "Miss Pitt, can I go grocery shopping?"

Miss Pitt stopped typing on her laptop and looked at me,"darling, don't ask permission from me. I think it's best if you ask Sir Carlos instead..."

"Noted . I'll get going now Miss."

She nodded so I left.


I woke up around 4:00 AM because I heard some noises. Y/n's still asleep? Good. Things are pretty hectic for her so its better if she takes a break. I wore my slippers and made my bed.

Tip-toeing out of the room, I checked my pockets if I have my hand gun and confirmed. Closing the door behind me, I walked down the hallways, checking every inch of it. Left and right.

"Seems pretty comfortable. Much better than waking up to an all white facility.  Yo T, you copy?"

Tyrell: yeah, loud and clear. What's up?

"I've been hearing things since dawn. Do you think it's in the lower levels?"

Tyrell: you sure you slept? 

"Oh come on, I need a hand here..."

Tyrell: let me check the cameras..

"Thanks T..."

The radio fell silent so I continued navigating the hallway.

"I swear I heard something."

*sniff* *sniff*

I stopped on my tracks when I heard someone sobbing. "Tyrell can you check the cameras on hallway 17?"

Tyrell: roger that.. No subjects present. But there's light coming from one of the rooms... I think someone left it open. Just turn right and you'll see. Proceed with caution.

I picked up my pace and pulled out my gun. Putting out the safety trigger, I positioned the gun on my hands facing the floor and took a peek. The muffled crying just got louder.

"You're my tail T, I'm gonna check this thing out... In 1, 2, 3... HANDS IN THE AIR."

I pointed my gun at the person inside. My flashlight shined at a student.

 "Tyrell keep your eyes on the hallways."

Tyrell: will do...

"Hey kiddo, what's wrong?" I hid my gun on my pockets and helped the girl get up on her feet.

False alarm.

"I miss my parents mister. Can I go outside? Please. Please. I'm not infected anyway." she cried.

 Wiping her tears with her hand whilst pushing her hair aside.

Tyrell: a teacher's headed your way.

"Shit, copy that."

I turned around and saw a teacher wearing her pjs and cardigan. "What is going on here? Oh! Cindy!"

The teacher quickly attended to her while I closed the door to the janitor's room. "Kind sir, about this situation. Erm— what were you doing in there, Cindy? We are very sorry sir, this won't happen again. We will be on our way."

"No problem. Have a good one." I assured and they walked away. Though I noticed something with the girl.

"Tyrell do you copy?"

Tyrell: aye captain

"Did you notice what the girl was holding?"

Tyrell: wait let me see... It's a hanky. She's been holding it up on her nose when we found her. Why?

"Nothing, maybe I'm just seeing things."

To be continued...

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