1.2K 39 20

"Hurry up." Jake said while Timothee was busy mixing vials with different kinds of liquid in it with the help of his mini kit sitting neatly on his lap despite his knees shaking. Y/n's skin was glowing from pale to black and vice versa.

"What are you going to do?" Veronica asked while she had her daughter lying down with her head on her lap.

"I have to supress the shot they gave her. Otherwise, she'll die." Once he successfully finished the test, he injected it right away on his sister's arm. He pulled out the syringe, his hands shaking.

Everyone gathering around them were all staring at Y/n. Then they gasped as Y/n's skin turned to its natural color. The blush came back to her cheeks. Timothee and Jake sighed of relief.

"Damn, sometimes I forget you're a scientist." Jake teased him.

Carlos didn't budge and didn't take his eyes off the girl unconscious. "Ummm, Carlos?" Miss Pitt tapped his shoulder. "Your knuckles. We should clean it." Carlos looked at her and then back to Y/n.

Miss Pitt smiled. "She'll be fine."

Then one of the citizens came up, a bandage wrapped around his head.

"Hey, you okay?" Chris tapped the man.

The citizen nodded weakly and flashed him a smile.

" Did you do a headcount?" Chris asked.

The man nodded." Yes sir. 257 got on board."

Chris massaged his temples, gently stomping his foot on the wood. Out of 500. And the BSAA's 19 out of 25. He said to himself.

The boat was crowded, indeed, everyone's injured, or if not, many lost a loved one. Julianne was just sitting on the side, her gun and Annie's gun on both of her hands. Her eyes are red and stressed. Then a person came to her and knelt down in front of her. Julianne looked up and saw James. He cupped her left cheek and rubbed it a little until she couldn't help it and bursted into tears. James hugged her and cried silently.

"I couldn't save her." She sobbed.

James rubbed her back and sighed.


Miss Pitt treated Carlos's wounds and during the process, she noticed him glancing at Y/n everytime.

"You know what?" Carlos looked at her. "I'm proud that my student found someone so caring and thoughtful as you." She smiled." There's a match in our hearts, Carlos. We might not feel it but when that person is around, the match sets ablaze. And it sends sparks all throughout our bodies and minds."

Somehow, it relieved Carlos as he fixed his posture and when Miss Pitt was done, she wrapped a bandage around it.

"I'll excuse myself for awhile. I have to tend to the other patients." Miss Pitt smiled and left him.

Chris came around and sat beside him.

"How long did you gatekeep that stadium?" Carlos questions as his eyes remained fixated on the horizon.

Chris chuckled. "More than five years? Can't remember."

"All that fighting and for what?" Carlos gripped the bandages on his hands tight.

Chris noticed the sour look on his face and drew his left hand back and gave his shoulder a good punch. Carlos groaned but laughed helplessly.

"For freedom." Chris finally answered his question.

Carlos remained silent as they watched the smoke rise to the heavens and the stadium crumbling little by little.

" Let's hope this city is worth it."


End Note 🪔

Congratulations! You have completed the gameplay for Corporal RAMBO: Unravel!

Game Mode: Nightmare
Clear Time: 3 months
Times Saved: N/A
Deaths: N/A
Rank: S

Thank you fam for being with the Scarrow Family and everybody else in the story. Including of course our man Carlos Oliveira. May those whom we lost Rest In Peace. Let's celebrate the ending of Book 1 with tears and virtual hugs! 🤗 Are you ready for the second walkthrough?

Corporal RAMBO: UNRAVEL [Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now