Chapter 40

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Author's POV

"Did you find your parents?" Lilith asked. Everybody's gathered around the floor, some on their seats. Eating and chatting away. Including Lance. Y/n shook her head. "They must've gone off before I got there." I only saw Jill. "They didn't even bother to search for you?" Annie added. Y/n didn't answer the question.

They don't know I have a brother. They should be asking HIM, not me.

"Let's do a roll call then. Two questions. Where are your parents and where were you born." Jackson suggested. "that's super random man." Geo told him.

Maximus raised his hand as he placed his food on his lap. "That night during the outbreak, I was the only one awake. Dad was taking a nap before we drive off to the hospital. Because my mom just had a surgery. However, I heard some banging and crashing downstairs and the sirens came off. Dad came running inside my room and told me to start packing," He sniffed."The reason I have so many bags with me is because they're originally my dad's. I didn't know mom already arrived home and I saw her eating his face. Heck, she's still wearing her hospital gown."

Maximus was just staring at the ground. Wiping his glasses with his sleeves. "I had no choice so I grabbed everything and opened the window. There I saw Julianne calling me and we ran off." Julianne rubbed his back and gave him a small smile. "By the way, I was born just in Raccoon City."

"How about you Julianne?" Tyrell asked. "I don't know my parents. I was raised by my auntie and her husband but they did mention I was born in Mexico." Lilith mouthed an OH. "I really like your hair girl." Julianne grinned at her. "Thanks."

"And you Annie?" Tyrell pointed at the girl with glasses like Max. "I shot my dad in the face. My mom died when she gave birth to me. He..." She sighed. "was an RPD. I was born in Chicago." Tyrell patted her shoulder. "Hey, you did the right thing. Of course you didn't want your dad to suffer more right?" Annie nodded. "Do you still have the gun with you?" Carlos asked. She nodded and pointed at her bag. "Ok. Tyrell will take it and refill it with ammos and give it back to you later."

"How about you Lilith?" Julianne asked. "Oh. HAHAHAH. My parents are everywhere." Everybody looked at her in disbelief. "Nevermind it yall but I was born in New York. That's that." Y/n face palmed herself and Jackson pointed at Geo.

"My parents are in China. Dad met my mom there. I'm just an exchange student at the uni. Basically, I was born there too."
When He finished, everyone turned to Lance who's smoking a cigar he got from the conductor. "You know we got a kid here, right?" Lilith said. Lance rolled his eyes and threw it out the window.

"Well, my parents are divorced. My mom's nowhere to be found, my dad's a mix of workaholic and drunkard. Birthplace is Seattle." He said in a monotonous voice as he plugged in his earphones and closed his eyes. "And you Jack?"

Jackson cleared his throat. "My family's in South Africa and yeah, I was born there too."

"Sir, The conductor is asking for you..."Liam said to Carlos. "Alright."


[9:50 PM]

The train cascaded through the tracks despite the thick snow after the blizzard. Carlos and the Conductor are discussing inside the first car. Jia is asleep with her head on Mother Amelia's lap. Mother Amelia was staring at what Maximus was doing. He's fixing his bags into a pillow with his gold fish beside him. "Max, after all that's happened, you look like you're going for a hike." She said. Max laid his back on his bags and sighed. "Meet Martinus. My pet gold fish." He said as he placed the mini aquarium on top of his chest.

Mother Amelia giggled,"Tell your friend I said hi." Maximus shaked the tank a little and the fish flapped its tail at Mother Amelia, making her laugh. Maximus placed the tank on the floor again and went to his phone. Captain Mikhail sleeping on the seat near the cabin. With a blanket on him. She was about to close her eyes when Jia started murmuring. Shifting. As if something's annoying her in her sleep.

Citizen: Mother, is she okay?

"Nightmares. She's always been like this ever since she was brought to the orphanage." Mother Amelia explained while combing Jia's hair eith her fingers. A citizen grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Jia.

Citizen: she must be cold.

Meanwhile, Carlos and the Conductor are busy navigating the areas

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Meanwhile, Carlos and the Conductor are busy navigating the areas. "We're passing through the underground station of Arklay." Alan announced through the intercom. Tyrell entered. "Is it okay to keep up the pace?"

The conductor shook his head."It's overgrown with those demons. But! There's a catch." Tyrell and Carlos looked at him in anticipation.

"They can't see. But they can hear."

"Woah, really?!"

"Go back to your bed, Max..." Tyrell said.


In the distance, the opening of the tunnel was found. Its exterior filled with moss and rusty metal rods sticking out of the wall. "I'm moving the train in the lowest speed possible. Close all the doors and windows. Turn off all the lights. Cover every entrance possible and don't make any noise." Tyrell nodded as he left the cabin and informed everyone about the situation.

In the speed of light, the doors were barricaded, the windows were shut and covered with a piece of cloth. Everybody stayed put in their seats, some on the floor in complete silence. "Yo, silent your gadgets guys." Jackson whispered.

The conductor turned off the train's lights and entered the tunnel. The train's body was just halfway when a growl echoed in the area. Carlos grabbed two night vision goggles and gave one to Alan. The old man inspected it first before wearing. His eyes adjusting to the darkness. "I can see in the dark!"

"Shhh!" Carlos whispered. The old man muttered a sorry. THUD! SCRATCH! SNARL! A mutated rat vs a licker. "I'll be damned..." Carlos mumbled. The two beasts fighting in front of the train but not too close. They were shrieking. Biting each other. In the end, the licker won. Suddenly, rat body parts came out of the licker because of its bite. Two front teeth, ears and a tail. You can call that a rat licker. Carlos thought.

Since they're blind, the two men saw the licker feeling its surroundings with its paws. Sniffling here and there at the same time Alan turned off the engine. The licker's ears twitched to their direction.


Rat licker

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Rat licker. Is that even a thing? -Carlos

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