Chapter 3

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We both settled down on the living room and he took out a medkit from his vest.

"It must be heavy huh?" I asked.

"Carrying this handsome face?" He teases.

"What? No. I'm talking about your gear." I pointed at his vest.

He grinned as he placed the herbal spray and bandage beside me.

"To answer your question, it IS heavy. But, I got used to it. It's U.B.C.S standard to go full gear, in case of emergency."

He lifted my arm as he positioned the herbal spray, "It's gonna sting but I promise it will be quick."


Carlos helped me arrange my dorm room into an isolation room. The bunk beds were seperated. While I'm vaccuming the floor, I glanced at Carlos who's lifting boxes and placing them in the stock room.

Does he even break a sweat? 

Only then I realized he removed his vest. Those biceps.... Oh nevermind. He's here to do his job.


I'm sitting in the cafeteria while Carlos is talking to Captain Mikhail. It's dinner time. I can't believe classes are postponed for months. The uni's been barricaded, there are soldiers everywhere too. 

"I can't believe we're staying in this shithole for one week. Can't we go to the mall?" Someone from across the cafeteria shouted. Judging by the sound of the voice, it's Harrani. The student council vice president.

I don't know how she got that position. I scoffed. Hearing about it makes me sick. Good thing Lilith didn't accept the position, the whole system is f'ed up anyways. What's the point?

Everybody laughed except those who know what's right. I felt my phone vibrate from my pockets. It's a message from my parents. The city I'm currently at is a bit far from Racoon City.

Mom: stay safe hun! Remember what I taught you. Update us whenever you get the chance :)

I smiled and replied a heart sticker. Dad is a busy man but he sends me gifts from time to time. I sighed as I placed my phone on the table. Waiting for the food to arrive.

It's Saturday tomorrow and then Sunday. We still have time to do what we want before we're completely cut off from the world. Maybe I should take a stroll by morning.

I was about to lay my head on the table but my phone vibrated again. 

Ugh, what now???

I checked the chat head and saw Lilith's profile picture. I checked it right away.

Lilith: girllllllllll... Do u Hav3 any ide1 who's got their eyes on you for approximately 5 minutes already?????

This girl really doesn't care about spelling that much. I typed back.

Y/n: what are u talking about??

Lilith: Ahem! Ahem! L-A-T-I-N-O guy....

I sighed and placed my head on the table whilst looking around. There I did see Carlos glancing my way as if he's checking if I'm still alive. 

This is too intense...

I straightened my back and looked around once more. There at the corner of the room, I saw one of the fresh men sitting alone. Covering his face with his hoodie. 

Who's that guy again?

"Attention students, we will be giving you this whole weekend to enjoy the outside world. Though, no one is allowed to leave the city. The contamination should not spread. Otherwise, we will shoot to kill. Enjoy the rest of the evening." Said another soldier. 

He also had Russian accent.

Food trays are now being distributed to tables. I was about to stand up but I got pulled back from my seat. Judging by the force and strength of the arm, I could tell it's Carlos.

"Don't fret. They'll bring it themselves." he whispered so I sighed in defeat.

I noticed that the atmosphere seems gloomy lately. I wonder if anyone survived the bombing. I hope they're safe.

To be continued...

Corporal RAMBO: UNRAVEL [Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now