Chapter 26

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Y/n's POV [7:00 AM, Outskirts of Raccoon City]

We're now heading towards the city. The place where I grew up. Carlos is driving, Tyrell on his laptop as usual and Lilith snoring beside me. Jia and Mother Amelia are asleep in front of us. Miss Pitt is on her phone, scrolling. Everyone's so far so good.

My mind's clouded. Heck, I don't even know what I'm gonna do once we get there. Should I visit my parents? I haven't contacted them since Miss Henley and Nicholai made a ruckus. Hence, the other students, I think they'll go home since most of us live in RC. Sigh. Those who died, god, I can only imagine the clueless look on their family's faces once they find out their kid's gone.

"Why the long face?" Miss Pitt asked, lowering her phone and tilting her head to me. Pursing her lips.

I sighed. "Miss Pitt, I-"

"Diana. Just call me Diana." She smiled.

"Okay..." That's unexpected.

"I'm quitting that job. I think I'll go back to the Hospital." Miss Pitt is a job-oriented person but she cherishes us, her students. It must've been hard for her after witnessing the deaths of her 'kids'.

"Diana, I wish I got along with them more. Before... All of this happened." I bowed my head. "I miss them."

Miss Pitt switched seats and she hugged me. "Y/n, you know what? I never regretted being your class' adviser. We may have our differences but I can assure you that deep down inside, they appreciate the memories and lessons that their classmates imparted to them."

" We haven't even reached half of the school year and this already happened." I mumbled.

"Happy Teacher's Day Miss Pitt!"  Lilith sat up and grinned at Miss Pitt.

"Goodness, young lady! Come over here, I'm gonna fix your hair."



"Y/nnnnnnn~" Timothee gruffly scared me through his 'Scream' head-dress. His hands shaped as if he's gonna claw me any minute.

"MOM!!!!" I whined.

"Oh honey, your brother's just playing.."

Timothee laughed so loud, pointing at my pouty face. It's just two days till Halloween and we're driving through the prairies outside of RC.

"Why do we even have to go to another house?" Timothee asked the adults as he removed his head-dress.

"Your aunts and uncles will be visiting next week! It's sort of a... Vacation house." Dad explained. Eyes glued on the road.

"Oh! Oh! Can I grow animals there?"

"Pfft!" I slapped Timothee's arm.

"Of course Y/n, what animals by the way?" Dad glanced at the rear view mirror and smiled at me.

I caressed my chin, looking up. "I want cats, dogs, cows, goats-"

"YES. GOATS." Timothee started imitating goat sounds.

"UGH. MOM! Big bro is so annoying!" Timothee sticked his tongue out at me.

"Honey, don't tell me you're gonna grow a zoo in our house?" Mom adjusted her seat and turned to me and Timothee. Holding two of our hands.

" Well, I can put them outside?"

Mom chuckled. "And what animal are you gonna put out outside?"


"Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock." I glared at Timothee.

"A GIRAFFE!!!" We all bursted out laughing.

"Y/n, we don't have giraffes here." Dad said.

"We're here!!!" Mom exclaimed as dad took a turn. And then there's a lady waving at us outside the house.

"Wow she's early."

Dad parked the car on the beautiful walkpath and we got off. They immediately attended to the lady.

"Who is she big bro?" I asked as I held my brother's hand.

"That's what we call the Landlady Y/n. Or you know, real estate personells."

"Ohhhh" I looked up to Timothee who's busy inhaling the entire scenery around him.

I smirked.




I stood in the center with my arms on my waist. Squinting my eyes. "I'm gonna put my bunnies there, my hamsters there, some puppies there-" I stopped pointing my fingers when I saw Timothee imitating my actions in a mocking way.

"Wanna go outside?" He asked.

I nodded.

Timothee gave me a piggy back ride and walked outside. I peered through his shoulder to see the front because his hair's in the way.

"How come I didn't get mom's curly hair?"

Timothee placed me on the ground and combed my hair with his fingers. "Because you got dad's hair lil' sis."


Timothee ruffled my hair and we continued to stroll around. The little kid I was, I followed him. Sometimes mimicking his way of walking. His hands inside his pockets.

Until he stopped when he stepped on something. It was buried under a pile of leaves and branches.

"What could it be?" He muttered.

I kicked the leaves continuously until the item is visible. Big bro lifted a metal banner that has two poles attached to it and balanced it on the ground. There's a logo of red and white and two words embedded.


Timothee raised his eyebrows as he glide his fingers through the lettering."We're outside of Raccoon City so how did this sign get here?"

"Y/n! Timothee!"

We both looked at each other when we heard mom's voice. "What is Umbrella, big bro?"

"TIMMY! Y/N! Come inside!!" That was Dad's voice.

Timothee placed the thing back on the ground and covered it with the leaves earlier. Holding my hand as we run back inside.

Little do they know that the neighboring house has two Umbrella employees watching the kids from afar. "So that's where they moved?" Asked the female employee who just came from work. The male adjusted his glasses and chuckled. "Tell them we've found the siblings."

To be continued..

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