Chapter 10

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Y/n took a neatly made envelope wrapped with a white ribbon.

"Is that a wedding proposal?" asked Carlos.

Tyrell laughed. " Dear Corporal Captain Mikhail Victor, thank you so much for helping our university out. We would love to learn from you! Especially about combat. We love you so much old man! Love, Samantha."

Carlos cackled. 

"What's so funny?" asked Tyrell.

"It's cheesy but anyways, Captain should read that. You next T."

Tyrell shuffled the envelopes in the box and picked out another white envelope.

"That's gotta have cash in it." said Carlos.

Tyrell rolled his eyes and continued to removed the paper inside the envelope. 

" Dear Carlos whatever the fuck your name is, I just wanna say, you're an asshole. My girlfriend broke up with me when she saw that stupid face of yours, you son of a bitch. Love, suck my d*ck!"

"That fucker's down bad once I see his face." said Carlos while running his fingers through his hair. 

"Do you agree?" He asked Y/n.

She just nodded and continued to eat. Carlos chuckled and picked out an envelope. The material used is in color red and it had floral patterns to it. Carlos placed his spoon and fork back to his plate and opened the letter.

"Hello, please, whoever it may concern, I saw Michaela, one of Harrani's minions, lying on the cafeteria floor. It looked like she passed out. But her coffee is sitting nicely on the table beside her. She's an active student, please, I don't want to stay quiet about this! Even though I hate her, please, someone help me! From, Annie." said Carlos. 

Silence filled the room, making the three stop whatever they are doing. Carlos slowly lowered the letter to his lap.

"Tyrell, check the cameras." Ordered Carlos.

Tyrell quickly went to get his laptop, leaving Carlos and Y/n in the dining room.

"We should investigate this, there might be a possibility that Lilith's problem is connected to this one too." Suggested Y/n.

"You're not afraid of a little detective work, huh?" He asked.

"Well, my parents taught me." I answered.

"Woah, let me guess, they work for the RPD?"

Y/n nodded.

"Impressive. There's also a friend of mine who works there or used to. Name's Leon."

"Hey guys you've got to see this." Tyrell shouted from the living room.

"You go on ahead. I'll clean up." Y/n said.

Y/n's POV

Tyrell and Carlos took their matters to the Security Control Room which gave me time to prepare something for Lilith. I brought the groceries I got for her and my hair pin. Exiting the room, I tip-toed to her doorstep and gently placed the bags on the floor while I work on this lock-picking thing.

This shit better work...

I was in the middle of twisting and turning the knob when it suddenly opened. Revealing Lilith in her panda onesie.

"What on earth—"

Without further ado, I put back my hair pin in my pockets and carried the bags inside.

Carlos' POV

Tyrell and I are inside the Security Control Room. I brought the letter with me.

"Look what we have here." Tyrell pointed at one of the computers and there we saw the girl enter the cafeteria. 

Second, she's already collapsed on the floor.

"Where the hell did the other clip go?"I asked.

"What's the girl's name?"


Tyrell looked into the pile of record books and took the students log book. I grabbed it from him and started flipping the pages.

"Bingo! Michaela Devin. Room 169. Who's the soldier in charge of her?"

Tyrell checked his laptop once more and turned to me, " Private Calla. The newbie."

I rummaged through my pockets for my radio, taking it and holding it close to my mouth.

 "Private Calla, Do YOU COPY?"

I glanced at Tyrell's wristwatch. 

It's 10:45 .

"I repeat. Private Calla, DO YOU COPY?"

The other line picked up some weird noises and went back to normal.

"Y-yes sir! Calla here."

"Security Control Room. NOW."

"Yes sir. On my way."

Y/n's POV

"Please tell me you won't freak out." pleaded Lilith.

I nodded. Taking a chunk out of the blueberry cheesecake we're currently eating. The only light on is the living room, where we are.

"Mother Amelia greeted me at the door. So I went, it was a total mess! She told me not to make any noise and to not interact with the kids. On the second floor, in one of the rooms, the kids are there. All lying down on their beds."

As Lilith went on and on about what happened, I couldn't shake the feeling that somebody is behind this. It's like they're hiding it from the rest of the world.

"And while we were on call, I saw a nun. She was hanging from the chandelier. Her eyes were red, her clothes were wet. Heck, she looked like she's being possessed! And when I ran out of the living room, she chased after me! At first she was just crawling like a freaking spider! And one second, she started running!"

"You should've called me." I asnwered.

"Eh? Why?"

"So I wouldn't miss the fun."

Lilith playfully slapped my arm as we both laughed.

"Geez, after what happened, I don't think we'll be able to visit again." She said. "Should we tell your boyfriend?"

"What are you talking about?"

Carlos' POV

"When this is all done I'm gonna take a nice stroll in this university." I said while we're waiting for Calla.

"Yeah, with your hot date?" Tyrell teased me.

"No she's not like that. Heck, she's not like anybody else."

Knock! Knock!

To be continued..

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