Chapter 15 [D-1]

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Lilith's POV

"We're passing through that?!" Y/n shouted.

"Shhh! Yes! It's the only way. Plus, I stole my assigned soldier's mini cameras. One for you and one for me. Don't worry, once this is finished, I'll transfer the files to your phone." I explained.

"Lilith... You're such a-"



I grinned. " I know. Now here, clip this on your shirt's collar. It's already on. What else did you bring by the way?"

Y/n caressed her pockets and the items etched in her pants. "My phone, flashlight amd pocket knife."

I widened my eyes. "Wow, where did you get the flashlight?"


"I see." I wiggled my brows in a teasing way.

"Oh shut up."

Author's POV

Lilith and Y/n decided to enter through an air vent that's on the ceiling, aligned with one of the cubicles.

"Give me a boost." Lilith said.

Lilith stepped on the toilet and Y/n offered her hands. She balanced her foot on her hands and Y/n hoisted her up.

"Are we done yet?!" Y/n asked while Lilith's foot is on her shoulder.

She pushed herself up and helped Y/n too.

"Y/n, I think you need to go first." Lilith said.

Y/n frowned. "You were so bold just an hour ago. What happened?"

Lilith nervously chuckled. "I don't know where it leads from here."

The latter looked at her dead in the eye.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"I swear to God. We can't turn back now. We've already come so far." Y/n massaged her temples.

" I'll make it up to you, I promise." The redhead pouted.

" Fine. I'll lead the way."

Y/n's POV

The passage wasn't so bad afterall. It's spacious! This is next level map making. Whenever me and Lilith pass through another air vent, its either we see a soldier or a person trying to sneak out too. Thank goodness no one's trying to go through these vents right now though. We'll be grilled meat.

"Hold up Y/n!" Lilith whispered.

I halted and noticed just now that there's light coming from the end of the passage. I nodded and we continued crawling until we reached it.

"Be careful." said Lilith.

I pushed the door of the air vent. " Looks clear to me. I'll go down- ahhh!"


I slid down. Fast. I didn't see that the direction was an inclined plane not straight where we can just jump off.

Where does this lead?!

I crossed my arms over my shoulder and crossed my legs. The wind blew past me as I skidded through the steel material. With my eyes closed, I didn't quite feel the impact of my fall. But the adrenaline rush was still there. I opened my eyes and gripped the soft fabrics beneath me.


Lilith fell second. Face first.

I panted. "It's a laundry chute."

Corporal RAMBO: UNRAVEL [Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now