8|Her behavior

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[Edgar's pov]

The whole day, I didn't see Colette much. She went straight away to face customers, but I didn't hear any laughing sound of hers. At lunch time, she didn't tell me how her day went.

After lunch, I got into the gift shop again. I finally saw Colette. She gave me a smiled, but she definitely faked it. It wasn't a happy smile, even a bit...sad. "Edgar, thanks. The nightmare was scary. Thank you a bit this morning." She faked a giggle, and left me standing in the gift shop. I caught the last glimpse before she left. Her eyes were red. She cried. A lot.

I didn't see her that day after that, even after leaving the park. I assumed she left for toilet, but that was totally an excuse. She always stood there and wouldn't leave until she said goodbye to me. Something's wrong, but I didn't know what. How could I heal when I don't know the wound?

I went training in Mortis' house alone after work.

"Focus, Edgar! You can do much better." Mortis sighed after I lost three Brawl Ball matches straight. Frank let out an annoyed groan. They probably never lose to bots.

"Sorry. My mind isn't clear. I've been...never mind." I murmured, as we took a rest for some water and chips.

"Edgar, what are you thinking? Shoot it." Mortis said, in a worried tone.

I hesitated a moment, but that word still split out from my mouth and thought. "Colette."

Mortis gave me an understanding look. "Yeah. She barely is absent for training. She loves watching brawlers brawl and I'm very sure she loves it too. Colette usually won't not go to my place without a reason." He said, and made a thoughtful look. "Perhaps you should go and see her?"

"No way. She may hates me." I said, looking down at my legs.

"Oh, that's impossible." Mortis laughed a little. "She's always merciful and forgives others. Though she looks quite crazy most of the time, I promise, she is a kind lady."

"Then why don't you visit her?" I said, annoyance filled my tone. Why do I even worry about her?

"Cause you work with her. You probably understand the whole situation better." Mortis said, and Frank made a "Mmmhmmm" sound to approve him.

I rolled my eyes. "K fine. I'll go."

Mortis didn't let me waste a moment. He grabbed my things and put them all in my pack, with a pack chip. "Edgar, give it to Colette and say hello for me to her. Please." His eyes were filled with concern so I nodded and took the bag. I then left his house.

[20 minutes later.]
I stood in front of the door and rang the bell. I can't help but feel nervous.

Someone open the door.

"Hey Emz." I greeted.

[Emz' pov]

When I woke up this morning, Colette has left already, surprisingly. Last night, she ended up sleeping with me since she said she got a nightmare. She even cried a bit. Who's that jerk? I can't help but wondered. Colette has had a painful childhood. I'm not letting anyone to break her again.

In the afternoon, I planned to go out and maybe watch something in the theatre, but Colette texted me.

C: I'll be home before 6.

That's the shortest text I've ever received from her. She usually be talking about everything. So I only go out to buy her favorite comfort food, donut. I also got some new brawler stickers for her, and a kitten plushie. She must be having a moody day. She never leaves work early.

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