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[Bea's pov]

"God darn it Rosa!" I groaned as both Edgar and Colette were sent into a hospital. "You just made the worst mistake ever!" I frowned and rubbed my temple. How could she even do this?

Right now, it was chaotic. The Blossom Season literally just started a day ago and now it was closed. I'm in it, scolding at Rosa for making the biggest trouble ever.

"Ugh, you make them wrong again...the one you gave Edgar was the one with poison." I said as I took out another purple flower. "It was a relative of belladonna, remember? The deadly sweet fruits that it produces?"

Rosa nodded, looking down. How is a zoologist teaching about plants to a biologist?

"And THIS is the one you should give to him. A nice, kind and sweet flower that will tear itself up if the master die." I sighed, knowing she wasn't focusing again. "What're you thinking again, Rosa?"

She frowned slightly. "No...even it, couldn't do so much damage...."

"What do you mean? It is deadly!" I asked doubtfully.

"Yeah, but it won't exude smoke..." Rosa was still thinking hard.

Beep. Beep. I stood up from my chair immediately. The bees were talking to me. I could sense it. It is close. I quickly grabbed a plastic cup and left the small laboratory on the fifth floor. "Something's happening, Rosa. I'll be back!" I yelled as I closed the door and ran to the third floor.

It's somewhere close...

I searched around, and saw 5 bees were looking at the same direction. Aha, here it is. I kept my breath silent and I stepped towards the alien. I was behind it so it didn't notice me...

I used my cup to stop her from escaping. Finally, gotcha. The bees surrounded the cup and I put out a paper from my pocket. Then I folded it until it was tougher, then I slowly slipped it under the cup, blocking up the ways for the alien to escape. Finally, I took the cup and the alien lost the hope to get out.

If only I could catch it earlier...I sighed and got back to the fifth floor, feeling like a mess. I should've been happy that I finally got the alien, and so easily. But all my braincells were thinking about the affair. Edgar was definitely manipulated...

"Hey, I'm back." I said as I closed the door behind me, going back to the laboratory.

"Hey Bea." Rosa greeted as she was drawing something on her paper on the desk. "It still makes no sense...a plant can't produce smoke. Not that kind of plant."

I frowned. I guess her mind is also stuck with the events... "Anyway, I just caught it." I said nonchalantly as I found a large transparent box and put the cup inside. Then I closed the gaps of the box so that I could finally do my observation again.

Rosa's eye widened and she looked at the alien immediately, putting down her pencil. "H-how did you catch it? We spent almost an entire month! And you just...left the room for 20 minutes and got it?"

I laughed slightly. "It just..kind of happened."

I looked at the box closely. The alien struggled to get out of the cup and began yelling. Hm...a really special creature. The lucky thing was, the box was quite thick and no one could really hear what it was trying to say. I leaned a little closer and summoned one of my bees to get into the box. Let's see if we can communicate.

A bee from my arm flew out, and into a small hole of the box. Just as it got in, the alien's expression changed immediately. It's eyes focused on the bee and studied it. What's it trying to do? Suddenly, it pulled out a gun. A very tiny gun that only it could use. Then it aimed at the bee who was moving swiftly.

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