11|Castle Of Cactus

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Colette and I walked to the Castle Of Cactus, and may people were already there, getting excited for the opening of the castle.

A robot came out and a microphone was in his hand. Of course, Griff.

"Hello the beautiful people of Starr Park! Starr Park has been opened for a month and I'm very excited to tell you the most popular's brawler, Spike, his theme of park is out! Castle Of Cactus, is officially open! You'll see all the royals of the Cactus Family along with beautiful plants and comfortable things. Only 210 people will be allowed to enjoy this royal services in a day! You'll get your tickets and once it's sold out, you can come back tomorrow to get before it's sold out again! Now, before you people enjoy, I'll like to introduce one more special guest on this special Cactus day. Let me present you, the famous, cutest brawler, Spike!"

He then left, and Spike was shown as the door of the castle slowly opened. He waved, and everyone started rushing for tickets. Everyone was cheering and they were all excited. I looked at Cole-Shit where is she?

I looked around and saw Colette waving at me next to Spike. I then walk to then quickly and saw that Colette had the biggest grin ever. "I got two tickets! Ed, let's get in!" Spike waved at me after I glanced at him once, then I went inside the castle with Colette.

I turned around, trying to spot Spike again, but he was already being revolved with many kids and teenagers. They all wanted to touch and see if he's a real cactus.

I kept walking with Colette, who screamed whenever she saw something new. "Edgar, look! Bea is the investor of this new mixed honey! And that! Oh god, it's the first try for inventing Sprout!" "Edgar, you have to see this! The type of cactus that Spike belongs to!" "Oh Spike's purple fabric is actually from a special flower!"

I needed to walk faster to follow her pace. She took many pictures and made notes in her scrapbook. She's definitely going to make a 10-page project about Spike.

"Colette, perhaps we should sit down for a rest?" I caught my breath, and Colette slowed down the pace and looked at me.

"Ya right. We need a good rest to explore more. Maybe we should have lunch." Colette suggested. Just when I turned to find the exit of this "greenhouse", Colette stopped me.

"Well I'm sure there's some shops for food in the castle. Let's get in more!" She shouted in happiness.

I reluctantly followed her way and we got into small but comfortable shop. Its decor was a warm yellow color, not too bright and successfully made a nice atmosphere.

"It's the Cactus' House!" Colette whispered, as she sipped some tea that the waiter gave us for free.

After a while, I ordered a salad and spaghetti, and Colette ordered steak with baked potatoes, and chocolate waffle.

The food came, and to be honest, it surprised me. Every dish looked well-decorated and exquisite. The color was bright and the scent was delicious. We ate in silent because we were both pretty hungry after all the events. I guess around 30 minutes, I've done eating and I started looking at my phone again. Emz texted me.

Emz: You two have fun?
Edgar: yeah i guess.
Emz: Tysm!! Please keep her happy or else if I find out you make a wrong move, I'll tell my uncle to start digging your grave. *evil emoji* *wink*
Edgar: .

After some more time, Colette had also finished her meal, but she wasn't preparing to leave. Instead, she took out her scrapbook again and turned to a new page. Don't tell me she's gonna do it right now.

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