81| Heartbeats

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[Edgar's pov]

The cake was okay. I'm not much into sweetness.

"We'll leave it to you two." Emz said, winked at Colette and left with the others.

"So, shall we leave now?" I asked, taking out the money to pay.

"Ya right. And no need to pay for it! I've done it already." Colette replied cheerfully, humming as she stood up.

I guess I can never plan things out right. How does she manage to keep all of it planned? It's almost 9 pm. Damn. I lost so much time. "Do you have anything else to do? It's not early." I looked at the sky. Rarely seeing a few stars shining beside the moon. That was nice. "Well...actually yeah. One last thing." She said quietly, "It's a little bit far from here though, so let's go!"

She looked exhausted. I followed her as she ran in small steps, still holding my hand tightly. I hope she's alright...We kept on moving, until we reached that piece of grassland, where we used to star-gaze. I still love this piece of green. Colette let go of my hand, pointing to the sky. "Do you see that?"

"What?" I followed her fingertip. And figured up out nothing. I put all my focus there and squinted.

Then boom.

And louder. More exploding sounds.

Then there's lights sparked up the sky. A whole firework show out of nowhere. I stood there, wide-eyed. I didn't know it's possible to put on a show here. How is it possible? The loud sounds burst liked guns, shot into the sky again and again, switching kaleidoscope of colors and patterns. Then there was this huge red heart firework in the middle of the sky. A person with wings came out of nowhere, and shot out a glowing arrow right into the center of the heart. It shattered into pieces and fell into more scattered little pieces of hearts. How. It wasn't soon when I found out the archer was Janet. She was made for stunt show.

After that, Janet made another few stunts in the middle of the air. As the firework stopped, the only movement came from her. She flew in the sky, did a spin, and let another glowing arrow cut through the darkness like a knife. It landed not far from us. From the point it landed, there's a sparkly helmet- and a young girl- Bonnie, ready to play her favorite trick. She wore her usual oversized uniform and carefully stuck herself into the cannon.

She nodded 3 times. 3. 2. 1. Boom. It was a success. She flew into the sky, right into the arms of Janet. The sisters threw out confetti to us. With the help of smoke, they disappeared into thin air.

"Wow." That was all I could say at that moment. I turned to look at Colette, who was now staring at the grass. "Cole?"

"Hm? Oh. Um. Yeah it was great." She looked a little zoom out. "Do you like it?"

"I do." I said, slightly distracted by her tired face. Her hair was messy. Her eyes still big and round, but lost that kind of energy. Her lips forced into a smile. Her shoulders tensed. And she's still adorable. But it makes me sad. She is hiding something.

"Oh right!" Colette's eyes lighted up, and searched for something inside her bag. Then there was a frown,  then a concern face, then anxious.

"Cole?" I frowned.

"I...lost it." Colette froze. Then searched again, "I SWEAR IT WAS HERE EARLIER-" She looked through her bag again and again and gained nothing. She was close to tears.

A drop of water on my face. Then another one. I looked up. Where did the clouds come from- is it some kind of sick joke played by the nature? Are you really gonna ruin this moment? And yes. It suddenly rained.

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