30|The Scars And The Stars II

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[Edgar's pov]

I brought Colette out of Mortis' house after waving goodbye, and took her to somewhere close to neither anywhere she was familiar with. But it was somewhere I am very familiar with.

"Wow, the river and the grass look nice here. Though it's Winter, it still gives some Spring vibe. How in the world!" She exclaimed as she sat on the cold grass with a smile. "Thanks for bringing me here, Ed. It's so refreshing." She said, stunned by the nature.

"Well, what if I told you a 12 year-old spent 7 years sleeping here? And worked as a librarian?" I asked, and sat by her side.

"What...?" Her eyes were filled with confusion.

"And then he hates the library and everything about books and words." I said, not looking at her.

"Well that's very rude of him to not respect the beauty of words." Colette said in a seriously voice.

"So he quite the job after being the worker in the poor librarian, and went to a high-salary job." I said, and finally turned to look at Colette, who was stunned with sudden plot twist.

"Is he rich? How does he find the job?" Colette bubbled some questions, and I only gave a smile.

"Not really. In fact, he's from an orphanage since the age of four after almost getting killed by his abusive mother and his missing father." I said nonchalantly, and Colette gasped. "Wait! Do you mean he slept right here? On grass? In all Winters and Summers? What happened? Why...?"

I chuckled lightly. But also disappointed at myself that I never let her know more about me. "Yeah. But he's living a better life now. He used to think that love is stupid. He used to think that showing feelings in a weak thing. Now now he has changed. He has experienced more than he expected. And he's glad he did."

Colette tilted her head. "Is it a folklore? Or your friend? How do you know? Why do you-" then she gasped. "Wait, don't tell me...." She looked at me deeply and frowned. I didn't lean back or lean close to her. "He works in the gift shop and meets a crazy girl with white hair and red eyes. And he became a brawler too." I said, and smiled.

Colette's eyes widened, and her face dropped. She backed down and look at me sadly. "How do I never ask about you? How stupid I am!" She started blaming herself. "I should've cared about you more! I should've known how hard your past is....it all makes so much sense now! Why? I-"

"Colette, it's okay. I'm doing better now and you're doing well too. That's all that matters, right? The presence is good." I said and gave her a smile. Her face turned happy again. "Yeah ya right."

And then her face was another mixed emotion. "You've been abused by your mother?" I sighed, and nodded slightly. "I'm good now. I guess." I said, and faked a smile. Or maybe I'm not really that good...I don't know either.

Colette frowned. "You're not good." She stated as if it's something obvious. She's such an accurate mind-reader.

"Did I....?"

"What?" She asked.

Nope I didn't say that aloud.

"Well I guess you're right." I gave her a sad smile, and she returned a comforting smile. "Would you like to tell me more about...your past?"

"Okay, start with the worst one." I said, and didn't continue. Colette sat still and looked at me attentively, but I did something she probably didn't expect.

I pulled away my scarf and let my neck reveal in front of Colette.

She gasped, observing my bruised neck, which had some scared and red marks. The wounds would forever be here, even after all this years.

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