14|Brawl Ball

424 7 37

[Edgar's pov]

The weekdays passed slowly, but here I am, standing still and not terribly, on a Friday.

I had been treating Colette horribly. After Mortis' words, I agreed. I wouldn't let her fall for me, vice versa. It's better to keep a distance between us. So, I barely talked to her, and not even keeping much eye contact. She looked totally puzzled by my sudden weird behavior. She'll get used to it. Yet it didn't feel good. Not at all.

When it was lunch break, I sighed and took out my lunch box from my bag. It felt nice not wasting money unnecessarily. I sat on the bench as usual, expecting Colette to be going to Dyna-Licious again, but this time, she didn't. She bought some food from a shop, then hopped and sat next to me.

I tried to ignore her and ate my food in silence, but you know, she wouldn't let me. "Hey Mr. Grump Silent, you've been awfully quiet this week so I wonder in you need a company? Do you wanna talk about it?" Colette asked straightly. She didn't wait to let me breathe for a second. "Edgar, something's off. Did someone said something bad? Emz? Me? Mortis? Oh...Frank...?" She kept gazing at me instead of leaving me alone.

"Nothing." I mutter.

"Edgar! It's not good to keep everything to yourself!" Colette raised her voice a bit.

Mind reading is working again...How?

I stayed silent and finished off my food while Colette took a few bites of her sandwich.

"So, Edgar, you're really not planning on telling me? I knooowww I'm crazy, and super gossipy, but when it comes to privacy, I keep secrets really well." Colette promoted. She drank a sip of hot chocolate and dramatically tilted her head to look at me staring at my shoes.

She frowned slightly and let out a small groan. "Ugh, whatever. You can choose not to tell me, but please do when you need someone." She said, then slightly bounced away with her hot chocolate in her hands.

I wanted to reach out to grab her wrist, and tell her everything, but I know I couldn't. I can't let her know. Mortis is protecting her and I shouldn't be selfish. Edgar what are you even selfish about? Wanting to...want her? I shrugged off my thoughts and looked at the watch. I still got a lot of time before working again.

I stretched a bit and then I remembered something really important. Shit, how could I forget? I looked at my phone again to make sure I didn't make any mistake. Brawl Ball, 8 pm, today.

Should I invite her?



I want to.

I can't.

Fuck it.

I zoomed out quite a bit for a few times during the break. I sat on the counter and looked at the Spike socks that were facing me. My mind wasn't working well today, and right then it was horrible. My thoughts were still about that high pitched voice with that white hair and shiny red eyes girl.

Just then, the clock in the shop showed 1:55 pm, but the door was opened. Colette was standing, catching her breath. "Edgar you didn't tell meeee?" Her eyes were kind of upset, but blasting with energy at the same time.

"W-what?" I had no idea what she was trying to say.

"Mortis just told me you have a match today, and you don't tell me about this? You know I'll risk anything to watch your amazing brawling skills!" She exclaimed, then gave me that usual and crazy grin.

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