71|Even If

321 1 7

[Colette's pov]

'Say, Cole...are you tired of me?" Edgar hugged me tightly as we watched the rain from the window. It was a beautiful night with blurry lights and loud rain sounds.

"You know I'll never not love you." I chuckled. "You're my favorite."

"What if I don't look good?"

"I won't change my mind."

"What if I'm scary with...sharp teeth?" He asked.

"What type of question is that? I'm not gonna change because of your appearance." I stated.

"Even if I'm blind?"

"Edgar, I'll still love you."

Just then, I heard some sound.


2 eyeballs fell out.

I flinched as the eyeballs fell to the ground. I turned around, to see him...without any eye. My eyes widened and I'm sure he could see the fear in my eyes.

"Even if I don't have teeth?" He grinned and the teeth fell off from his mouth, becoming sand once they left his mouth.

"Even if I'm not a human?" He dropped me on the floor, and turned into...something I couldn't tell. Lizard head with furry legs and body. 4 horns and 6 legs. The eyeballs and the teeth disappeared. The nose breathing fire.

"Even if my name isn't Edgar?"

"Even if i'm ugly?"

"Even if I'm nothing but a cold-blooded monster?"

"Will you? Still love me? All the same? If not more?"

His sharp claw was close to my heart. One wrong move and my heart would bleed, physically and mentally.


"WILL YOU?" he didn't even sound like himself anymore.

My breathing pace quickened and it felt like my heart would pound out of my chest. "EDGAR! IT'S NOT YOU!"

"YES I AM! WILL YOU STILL BE WITH ME EVEN IF I'M A BEAST?" He yelled back, making my ears bleed.

A tight grip on me. And very nervous whispering.

"Colette Colette Colette Colette Colette...please wake up..."

"SO IT'S A NO! YOU ONLY LOVE ME FOR MY APPEARANCE! I KNEW IT!" The voice was a raged man. He crawled to me and his head almost bumped my body.

"Oh God." My eyes flew opened and my breath was just as quick as in the dream.

Thank God it's just a dream...

"You've been murmuring your sleep..I know something's wrong. Are you okay now?" Edgar asked, worried, and held me tight to him. It was the middle of the night. Dark and silent.

"I'm fine...just a bad dream..." I took a deep breath in him and rested my head on his chest. His arms wrapped around me protectively and gently.

"Alright...it's okay now...I'm here...it's okay, relax.." He rubbed my back gently and comforted me until I felt way more relived. I let myself to lose control over myself and closed my eyes again, praying it wouldn't be another bad dream.

"Edgar...I'll still love you even if things are upside down..." I mumbled and sighed.

I couldn't remember what happen. I slept again, and the dreams, were way better.

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