Muted | Hyunjin pt2

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-tw: sexual assault, emotional abuse, violence, swearing

-requested by: heymynameusri1993

-as promised, part two!


Hyunjin's pov

I stood frozen in place, my heart racing as Mr. Nam's piercing gaze bore down on me. The atmosphere was electric with tension, the kind that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. He had a reputation for being ruthless—a man whose connections could dismantle lives with a mere whisper. And right now, I felt like I was the target of his sinister game.

"You know, Hyunjin," Mr. Nam said, a smirk playing on his lips, "it would be a shame if something were to tarnish that pretty little image of yours." It was a statement wrapped in threat, and I could feel the weight of his words pressing down on me like a heavy fog.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice trembling despite my best efforts to keep it steady. I had nothing to hide—no scandalous secrets or reckless decisions lurking in my past. But there was something unsettling about the way he looked at me, as if he held all the cards, and I was just a pawn in his game.

"Oh, come now," he replied, the mockery in his tone infuriating. "You really think your clean slate is going to protect you? I have connections that could easily fabricate a narrative—one that would turn you into a villain in the blink of an eye." The smile faded from his face, replaced by a cold seriousness that made my stomach churn.

My mind raced. The idea of someone orchestrating a lie so elaborate that it could ruin me was terrifying. If Mr. Nam had the power to spin stories and create drama out of nothing, then I was in deep trouble. The reality of my situation settled heavily on my shoulders, and I felt a chill run down my spine.

I forced myself to meet his gaze, but the intensity in his eyes made me look away. "You wouldn't," I managed to whisper, but I could hear the uncertainty in my own voice. My heart thumped aggressively against my ribcage, begging me to flee, yet my feet felt glued to the spot.

"If you think I wouldn't," he said, a smile creeping across his lips that didn't reach his eyes, "then you don't know me very well." It was a reminder of the gulf between us, the power he wielded so effortlessly. In that moment, it became crystal clear—I was at his mercy, and he knew it.

The room felt like it was closing in on me. I could almost hear the murmur of voices in my head, the sound of paranoia swirling like a storm. "What do you want from me?" I asked, desperation creeping into my voice as my pulse quickened.

A slow smile spread across Mr. Nam's lips, and he leaned in, close enough that I could feel the warmth radiating from him. "I find your innocence... intriguing." His words were enough to send a shiver coursing through me, and I flinched slightly as he reached out, lightly brushing a finger along my jawline. The contact sent a shockwave through me, and I fought against my instinct to pull away.

Before I could respond, he leaned in even closer, his breath warm against my ear. "I can make this very easy for you, or exceedingly difficult. You can either cooperate and play along, or... well, life can become rather uncomfortable." His intentions were clear as he drew back slightly, looking into my eyes with an intensity that made my skin crawl.

His hand moved lower, fingers brushing against the collar of my shirt. I barely registered what was happening before he began to undo the buttons, one by one, his movements deliberate, methodical. I wanted to pull away, to stop him, but my body refused to respond, frozen under his control.

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