Maja"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," Dimitri said. I rolled my eyes. "Maj and I acquired a car, and the plan was to go on a road trip." He said. "Oh yeah, I remember this." My mom said mugging Dimitri and side-eyeing me. I smiled at her. "Remember you love me," I told her. "Acquired a car, huh? How did you do that?" Angelo asked poking me. I turned and looked up at him and smiled. "I have my ways," I asked pinching his cheek.
He looked at me unamused making me laugh. "A road trip? In high school? How did you pull that off?" Damon questioned. "She lied!" My mom said. "It wasn't a complete lie I was staying at a friend's house. It just happened to be my boyfriend at the time." I said. "Mhm, go on and finish telling everybody how you tried to put me in an early grave." She said.
Everyone laughed. "So, wait where were you two going?" Toya asked. "Anywhere, it was spring break," Dimitri said with a shrug. I laughed. "I will say it was a fun Spring break. Although I will never take a road trip with that man again." I added pointing at him. "Aye we survived and that's all that matters." He countered. I narrowed my eyes at him but stayed quiet. "Where were we? Did we just disappear cause I don't remember this at all?" Tae asked. I thought about it for a minute. "Tae you and Rod were running behind some girls or guys. Nell and Nay were away doing their own thing, so—." I said with a shrug.
"Where did you two end up going?" Angelo asked. "We stopped in Houston first picking up her cousins." "Which cousins?" Nadia questioned looking at me. I smiled. "I know you're not talking about who I think you're talking about?" she said. "Raven, Victoria, and—," "And who, you better not say Charles." Tae threw out. Again, I smiled before shrugging. "You said it for me," I said. "Your hardheaded behind—,"
" You don't listen at all," Arnell said cutting Tae off. "You should've known something bad was going to happen when you're dealing with mama's extra ass nieces and nephew." He said. "Tae—," "No mama you know them three stay getting in trouble for doing something dumb," Nadia said. "Which is why they are my favorite cousins, but I've matured. I am a mother after all." I said with a smile as I looked down at Teddy.
"This story is about to be good." I heard Angelo's brother Ben say. "After picking them up we headed to South Padre Island. The whole week there we had no problems. Then the day before we were supposed to head back everything went left. We went to the beach and we were drinking and overall having a good time." Dimitri said. "Until this man came up and grabbed me." I chimed in.
"I pushed him off and told him not to touch me, but he was not having it. He started cussing at me and then he had the nerve to push me down." I said. "Then out of nowhere Dimitri comes flying over and punched the man. Raven and Victoria helped me up all while cussing the guy out and calling for Charles." I explained.
"I turned my back to the man which was stupid on my part because the next thing I know I'm being tackled," Dimitri spoke rolling his eyes. "But somehow, I managed to flip him off me and I'm throwing punch after punch cause I'm pissed at this point. Then I'm put in a headlock and pulled off the guy and I see his friends helping him up and they look just as pissed as me. That's when I hear Maja yell—Get off him." He said trying to mimic my voice. "Once I was free, I turned to see Maj had jumped on the back of the guy who was holding me down and started swinging." He said laughing.
"Honestly, I didn't even think about it before I did it. Raven, Victoria, and Charles all jumped in too and we were all fighting. Eventually, the cops were called, and we were separated. By some miracle, Dimitri managed to get out of the cop's grasp. He ran up and pushed the officer that was holding me causing him to fall and me to get free. My cousins were screaming for us to run, and we did. Me and Dimitri took off across the beach and then down the street." I explained as Dimitri, and I laughed.

Loved By You
Romance"Don't touch me," Maja said pulling her arm away. Angelo shook his head. "Why can't you just admit you like me?" He asked her. "I don't." Maja pouted crossing her arms. "But you do. It's obvious." Maja scoffed looking away from him. "Whenever I'm ne...