AngeloI was leaning against my car waiting for Maja to come down. After about fifteen minutes of waiting, she walked out wearing joggers and a hoodie. She stopped at the top of the steps looking down at me. "Come here," I said looking up at her. She didn't move. I clenched jaw looking up at her. Our eyes locked and I took one step forward. "Come here." I said slowly as my voice deepened. I notice her shiver before she slowly walked down the steps towards me. I opened my car door and waited as she climbed in.
"I wasn't avoiding you I was just processing what we did." I looked at her curiously. She sighed. "I liked it, alright." She said. I tried my best to hold back the laughter that threatened to escape. Clearly, I wasn't doing very good from the eye roll she threw my way. "I never thought someone like you could make my body..." She paused biting her lip as she looked away from me. I slowly walked towards her stopping a foot away from her. "So you ignored me because I can make your body feel good?" I questioned as grabbed her hand gently pulling her to me. Once she was in my arms I grabbed her chin pulling her lips from between her teeth making her look at me.
"What do you want?" I questioned. She stared at me for a while. "I want..." She trailed off trying to look away from me. I held her in place forcing her to look at me. "Tell me what you want?" I said lightly rubbing her pelvis with my thumb. "You." She finally said causing me to smile. I leaned down kissing her only to be stopped.
"But..." I raised an eyebrow. "But?" I questioned waiting for her to continue. "I want to keep us private." I took a step back and looked at her. "What?" I asked. "For one I've talked a lot of shit about you and dating white men if we do go public and it happens not to work out between us..." She trailed. "Okay, I can understand that," I said nodding my head. "Secondly I'm not the type to have people in my business. I like my private life just that private." I rolled my eyes. She sighed. "Do you know Alexander? He's captain of the track team." She asked me. I nodded my head. "Yeah so." "We used to date." She said plainly.
I scratched my head. "What?" "It was freshman year it was only for a few months." She shook her head. "Wait freshman year he was stuck on this girl forever. He never told us who she was or why they broke up he just said he fucked up." She scoffed. "He cheated on me with some sophomore girl." She said crossing her arms rolling her eyes.
"Do you know Joseph? SGA president, he's on the football team." She stated. "You dated him too." She nodded her head. "He was the last boyfriend I've had. We ended thing because I felt like I was distracting him all the things he was involved in." I was surprised because everyone at school thought she never messed with anyone. "I'm just telling you this so you can understand. I'm not saying it to be rude but like my privacy." She looked at me with pleading eyes hoping I would understand her request and I did.
"I understand and I'm okay with keeping this between us." She looked up at me surprised. "Really? Not everyone can handle it." I nodded my head. "But I can," I said grabbing her arm pulling her to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I leaned down kissing her. I cupped her ass making her moan softly. I pulled away from her before she sat down on the couch and I joined her. She reached for the remote turning the tv on. I looked at her as she flipped through the tv. "I know I'm cute but you don't have to stare." She said before she finally looked at me. I kissed her lips before I laid down resting my head on her lap. Her hand immediately went to my hair and I sighed as she massaged my head. "Can I ask you a question?" She said looking down at me. "Yeah what's up?"
"Why do you like black women? I mean I know we're poppin but I want to know why you're specifically attracted to us." I up looking at her. "Black women are magical. Yall turn everything you touch into gold. Yall set the standard for everything from hair, makeup, fashion, everything. Black women are some of the most passionate women on earth. You all put so much work into everything you do and still make it look effortless. Not to mention yall are some of the most beautiful women I've ever come across. I could go on if you have time." She chuckled with an impressed look.
We decided to order some food and play some Uno which actually turned out to be pretty funny. "You're not even slick with ya cheating ass." She said. I laughed because I was cheating she had beaten me twice and I wanted to win at least once. "Let me ask you something? It's a little personal so you don't have to answer if you don't want to." She looked up at me waiting for me to continue. "What do you have against white men? Especially seeing as how you never dated one." I said. She glanced up from her cards.
"I actually lied about that last part." She said. "I dated a white boy for like... 2 ½ years." She said never looking up at me. "That relationship is why I swore off white men. It was just too much shit." She said finally looking up to see me staring at her. I started laughing. "What's so funny?" She asked. "You're like a really good book that just gets more and more interesting." She smiled shaking her head. "I have one more question and I'm done for the night." She rolled her eyes. "Go ahead."
"When you're step brothers were here they seemed..." I trailed off not know how to say this. "They were possessive." She finished. I nodded my head looking at her seeing her mood change. "I found out when I was like 12 they both liked me and as we've gotten older they've gotten worse." She said looking away with a tense look on her face. "Maybe in the future, I can tell you more but I'm not ready." She said. I nodded my head before a smile appeared on my face. "So you're saying we'll still be together in the future." She threw a pillow at me as I laughed. "Shut up." I shrugged. "You said it," I said with a smirk.
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Loved By You
عاطفية"Don't touch me," Maja said pulling her arm away. Angelo shook his head. "Why can't you just admit you like me?" He asked her. "I don't." Maja pouted crossing her arms. "But you do. It's obvious." Maja scoffed looking away from him. "Whenever I'm ne...