Keenan"These all the files?" Detective Rhodes asked. "Yeah," I said as I leaned against the table. "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean he is practically your kid." Detective Jones said. "Richard spent years covering up for his son. There are dozens of women who said he was inappropriate with them and several who said he raped them, my daughter being one of them. Some of these cases the statute of limitation has run out but for the rest, they can still get justice. So do whatever you have to." I said looking at the men. The detectives left leaving me and the district attorney Andre Lewis and my brother alone. "He raped one of your girls?" Andre asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Maja," I said. I slid another set of papers towards him. "What is this?" He asked. "Around the same time that Maja got pregnant was when Christoph attacked Maja," I said. "Are saying what's his name... Christoph is the father." Andre asked. I turned and looked at him with a hard stare.
I buckled Sami in before I got in myself and started our drive to her school. Sami was being unusually quiet then when I heard sniffing I found the closest parking lot to stop. "What's wrong?" I asked looking at her. "Mommy told me I'm not going to be a big sister anymore." She said as her tears her completely. I sighed. If there were two people I hated to see cry it was Sami and Maja. Seeing my baby girl cry at the loss of her little sister broke my heart. "Where did she go?" She asked. "Um, you know that movie Baby Boss?" I asked. "Yes." She said nodding her head.
"Well she was called back to the headquarters because she was just that good of an agent." I said. She looked up at me with wide eyes. "Really?" She asked. "Yep and you want to know how I know this?" I asked her. "Uh huh." She said nodding her head. "She left a note and a gift just for you." I said. "She did?" She asked excitedly as she wiped her face. "Yep." I said. "Can I see it?" She asked. "I don't know. You weren't supposed to get until you were older." "Please! Please! Pleeease!" She begged. "I'll ask mommy and see if she thinks it's okay." "Okay." She said.
"Daddy I don't want to go to school." She said looking at me. I thought about. "Alright I guess you're going to be spending the day with me." I smiled poking her nose making her smile. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed into the direction towards my shop.
We pulled up to the shop and I helped her out and we went inside. "What's up everybody?" I said. "Hey D." They said from different areas throughout the shop. "Who is this cutie?" Elaina one of my part-time tattoo artist said. Elaina and I had been seeing each other for almost a year now and things between us had been getting serious but I hadn't introduced her to my daughter yet out of respect for Maja. "This is my baby girl Samiya." Elaina looked up at me and her eyes widened. "Sami this is Eliana," I said. "Hi," Sami said with a wave.
Everyone in the shop knew I had a kid obviously from the pictures that were in my office but I had never brought her to the shop. "Uncle JuJu!!" Sami yelled rushing over to my boy Junior. He kneeled down and scooped her up. "Hey stink, what are you doing here?" He asked her as he walked off with her probably to go see my other homeboy Lu.
I walked to my office and I could hear footsteps behind me and I knew it was Elaina. "You're daughter's here." She said as I turned and looked at her taking in her appearance which consisted of a button down shirt and a pencil skirt. "Yeah," I said. "Does she know who I am?" I shook my head. "No," I said causing her to sigh. "Dimitri we've been together for a year and I still haven't the two most important people to you." She said. "I'm very protective of Sami and Maja they are my family. Maja was just in a car accident and..." "Oh my god! Is she okay though?" She asked concerned.
"No but she will be with time and I don't want to put anything extra on her right now but I promise I will tell her. And after you two meet I'll formally introduce you and Sami." I said pulling her into my arms. "It's okay I understand if it were me I'd be cautious about introducing my kid to people too." She said. "Thank you." I said kissing her. "Why are you dressed like that?" I asked eyeing her. "I got a temp job at this marketing firm as an assistant." She smiled. "Look at my baby making moves." I smiled making her laugh. "Daddy can I watch uncle Lu draw on the man?" Sami asked making me laugh. "It's okay D I have to get going any way. It was nice to meet you little Miss. Samiya." Elaina smiled. "You two." Sami chimed before Elaina left. "Now what are you talking about?" I asked looking down at Sami who grabbed my arm pulling down the hall.

Loved By You
Romansa"Don't touch me," Maja said pulling her arm away. Angelo shook his head. "Why can't you just admit you like me?" He asked her. "I don't." Maja pouted crossing her arms. "But you do. It's obvious." Maja scoffed looking away from him. "Whenever I'm ne...