Angelo"What happened?" I yelled as I walked into the lobby of the hospital. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Zachary sitting amongst Maja's sisters and brother. "What the fuck is he doing here!?" I yelled walking towards him only to be stopped by Tae. "Angelo why don't you sit down," Arnell said. "No, tell me what happened?" I asked looking at each of them. They looked at me with sympathetic eyes. I felt my heart drop when I looked at Arnell and Nadia and neither of them could look me in the eyes. My mind went to the worst possible case. "Is Maja..." I paused unable to even say the words. They looked at each other before looking back me. "She was in a car accident," Nadia said. My heart sank and it felt like the wind was knocked out of me.
"But she's okay though?" I asked. Nadia looked at me and opened her mouth but nothing came out. "Maja's car was side swiped before she spun out of control and hit the guardrail," Zachary said. Tears threatened to run down my face but I wouldn't let them. "Why are you even here?" I questioned. "She came to my house to talk about the fight you and I had yesterday. Before she got there Christoph called Dimitri so they could talk to me but..." Zachary froze. "But what?" I snapped. "Some shit from the past came out." Dimitri chimed in.
"Stop talking in circles just say what happened," I said as I clenched my jaw. "We found out Christoph raped Maja when she was younger and pinned it on Zachary. I confronted him about it and Maja walked in and heard everything. Maja questioned him but he told her to get over it. She said some words to him and he said some back but when he took a step towards her like he was going to hit her that's when I stepped in. I beat his ass and the only reason I stopped was because Maja told me to. After that, we all left." Dimitri said.
I shook my head before I walked over to the nurse's station and asked for any information on Maja. "She just got out of surgery. A doctor should be down to speak with you soon.." The nurse said. I nodded my head. Another hour passed before Maja's parents and the rest of her family came. They started asking the same questions I did. I tuned them out as everything slowed down around me. All I could think about what I would do if I lost her or the baby. "Angelo, she's going to be okay." I heard someone say in the distance. I ignored whoever was talking.
"Family of Miss. Lewis?" The woman called. I shot up walking towards her. "Is she okay?" Arnell asked before I had the chance. "Her left leg is broken in two places. She has a broken collar and several cuts and bruises on her body. But she's alive." Everybody all let out a breath but me. I wasn't going to be okay until I saw her. "Can we see her?" I asked. She nodded her head before leading the way. I stood outside her door taking a breath before I walked in. She was lying in bed with all of these wires coming out of her body. I walked up the side of her bed looking down her as she slept. It was hard to look at her like this. There were several small cuts and bruises scattered across her face and her bottom lip was busted. I pulled up a chair and sat right next to her. "Baby," I said softly. "I'm so sorry." I paused as my breath got caught in my throat. "I'm going to make this right. I promise." I said as I grabbed her hand kissing her fingers.
Over the next couple of hours her family came in and checked on her but I never left her side. It was going on one in the morning when Maja's nurse came in. "Oh, sweetheart why don't you go get some sleep. If anything changes we'll give you a call." She said. I shook my head. "No, I'll stay," I said. She gave me a sympathetic look. "Okay let me go get you a pillow and a blanket." The nurse said. Soon after she left she came back. "How is the baby?" I asked turning to look at her. "I can go find out for you," She said before she left. My heart was racing as I looked at Maja.
2 days later
I laid there looking at Angelo as he slept. He turned in his seat before his eyes quickly washed over me. He was about to go back to sleep when his head snapped towards me. He sat up scooting closer to me grabbing my hand. "You're awake." He said. My body was stiff and even the slightest movement hurt. "What..." I paused trying to clear my throat. "What happened?" I asked. He reached over grabbing a cup as he poured me some water.

Loved By You
Romance"Don't touch me," Maja said pulling her arm away. Angelo shook his head. "Why can't you just admit you like me?" He asked her. "I don't." Maja pouted crossing her arms. "But you do. It's obvious." Maja scoffed looking away from him. "Whenever I'm ne...